Back with a quick update. This ones more just for my own record keeping, but I thought I'd share it here anyway.
-Looks like I got neary 100% of my clones to root this time around. For only being my second attempt at cloning, I'd say it went well
-The 2 shorter plants continue to lag a bit behind the taller 2, but look healthy. One of the shorter ones seems to be a little more nutrient sensitive; it's still got some minor claw, but seems to be growing out of it.. Based on my research, Querkle is very slow to veg, so I assume these 2 are likely more Querkle dominant.
-The 2 taller ones look nearly identical to each other. They have slightly longer internodes, and slightly lighter green color. Nice, vigorous growth. By process of elimination, I believe these 2 are more Cheese dominant.
- Stem rubs smell great, but it's too early to describe the aroma.
I'll update this post tonight with the plant #'s I've assigned to my 4 Cheese Quakes, and also hopefully some updated pictures. For now, I am stuck at work....
Hopefully after I post pictures you folks who have grown Cheese Quake can come play the "Guess that Pheno" game.