Also something about a kid that was getting off with a Mt. Dew bottle and got his pecker stuck. I was very young at the time, though I clearly remember my brothers and sisters laughing about this kid for years....apparently he ran down several blocks, screaming and crying in terror with the bottle clanking on his dick.Brings new meaning to:
Future Trump supporter.Also something about a kid that was getting off with a Mt. Dew bottle and got his pecker stuck. I was very young at the time, though I clearly remember my brothers and sisters laughing about this kid for years....apparently he ran down several blocks, screaming and crying in terror with the bottle clanking on his dick.
I never found it all that funny. My first thought was - He can get his dick in a Mt. Dew bottle?? Bro, your life is fucked.
And I thought the tobacco industry getting a blessing from the healthcare system was the worst part of that era. Talk about stiiiiiicky.I remember overhearing a convo between my mom and her friends...something about how girls in the 50s would SHAKE up the 8-ounce Coke bottles and....well.....
Worse..He called Flynn a 'volunteer'.During today''s press that's not what it's...err...fuck it! Today's Spicey Cluster Fuck, when asked about Paul Manafort's now well-established deep ties to Russia, Spicey started by saying Manafort, “played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time.” LOL!
Manafort was Agent Orange's top aid and chairman of Trump's campaign for several months, for fuck's sake!
When the lies are that bare, there is very little question that their fucking knees are starting to shake.
His face got more grimaced..word is he's scared shit.The poor dear is an android on the verge of it's final meltdown. Priceless.
Seriously, you can almost smell the burning oil as cogs and bolts pop loose with each new 'briefing' (lol).
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