Spice to be banned in UK


Well-Known Member
Just saw this article- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article6792687.ece

I've tried it before and I have to admit, although the effect of the mixture is different to weed, it seems to do a lot more harm.

I had a week of feeling drowsy and lethargic, not nice.

This is an example of prohibition not reducing harm, but increasing it, as people (including myself) will turn to cheaper and often more harmful substitutes.

There is one part in particular I disagree with - 'Unlike cannabis it takes some time to produce an effect. ' - in my experience it comes on instantly. I got near to the end of the joint and I could definately feel a distinct change. Different strains of cannabis can come on within different timeframes.

What does everyone think?



Well-Known Member
OMFG! The vary idea of prohibition is to deter crime and to protect society, I fail to see how wielding the sword of prohibition in this instance is extremely pertinent for this endeavor. Spice, much Like, Marijuana is a much safer way to enjoy recreation than using Alcohol or Cigarettes and if this ustable hand of the worlds Laws continue to make these unreasonable descrepensies, then people will stop taking Law and Justice seriously.

If we become accustomed to prohibiting non-relevant things in our society then I fear that the respect for law in general will become as empty and superficial as the weak words that bind them.

I dunno....*sigh*


Well-Known Member
I can't stand the stuff, I'm happy it's going. I don't like the idea of synthetic cannabinoids. Maybe it isn't that harmful but it's the principle of it being synthetic.