Spice Questions PLZ HELP

Ok let me start this off by saying that Im not an avid spice user and I started my own mj medical garden last year and Im fucking tickled with the results... nothing can compare to tender loving care...lol. But I have an old buddy that now works on the oil rigs and he cant smoke....breaks my heart. He uses spice quite regularly.
Upon googling spice active ingredients I discovered that some spice (or all I dont know) is made by spraying an active ingredient chemical onto plant matter and thus by ingesting it in some form, the user then feels "high". Even though the plant matter really doesnt have much to do with the equation.
I found some old posts on here of ppl somehow obtaining the active ingredient directly and thus getting your moneys worth.
My question is can you still obtain the active ingredient? Or have the laws changed so you can no longer find it, or even have the ingredients changed so you cant do that anymore??
I have seen many smart ppl posting here plz help.....


Well-Known Member
Spice was outlawed but they made a new one that doesn't contain any of the illegal ingredients so he should be fine.I have a buddy that got tested at work,not the oil rigs,but he passes and he smoked spice the day before.He should just not mess around with anything because thats a good job and they random drug test alot.Ive also read online that p o officers have a spice drug test that they use.Hope this helps.
thanks for the reply. Ok to further this search....so if they remade spice and the new one is legal, what is the new active ingredient. Is it possible to obtain it in raw form??


Well-Known Member
yep.. but problem is knowing which one you want, i think theres some 400 different chems availible. some of them are illegal, some are legal. all with slightly to greatly different effects and doses... some of them are not even worth putting in your body. some will make you sick.... and most people have no ideas which chems are used in their favorite spice.. it was way easier when the spice said right on the package which chems where in it, and there was only like 10 main ones worth choosing from....

if you find the one you want.. use google and key words like "buy__" or "purchase__" then when you find sites that sell it, search google with site name and key words like "scam" or "review" research well....

also look into the bath tek rather than the spray technique its safer for small scale... I know you dont have an industial sprayer that can evenly spray the chem correctly.. and dont bother with the little spray bottles. Bath method will work just fine. worked for me last year when i made mine.


Well-Known Member
They do not tell you what is in it.That is y it could possibly be really bad to smoke.Yes it is legal.It says on the bottle does not contain jwoo18 and a bunch of other ingredients.Some smoke shops still sell the old illegal spice,best stick with funky monkey 10x.I smoked a shit load of spice all day,and it fucked up my stomach,i would get allot of acid build up and throw up in the morning and wake up very early.And then when the new spice came out it said does not contain acid tone anymore lol.Thats y i dont mess with that stuff anymore.
ahhhhh this is what Im talking about someone with the knowledge. Thank you DarthD3vl! Its people like you that make me people like me (that can use the internet, read and follow directions) dangerous.
Can you divulge your own personal blend or does not not get talked about?


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh this is what Im talking about someone with the knowledge. Thank you DarthD3vl! Its people like you that make me people like me (that can use the internet, read and follow directions) dangerous.
Can you divulge your own personal blend or does not not get talked about?
I used to use jwh-018, which is now illegal, its the only one i've bought in pure form. I dont really know of any good ones currently.. I just smoke weed now.. lol, good luck on your search..
CR500 thank you for your personal experience, its personal stories like these that make all the difference. Is the lb of spice (Ebay) the same as you buy in the shop if its the same brand?
My driving curiosity behind this is I went to town with my good friend today and watched him drop a shit ton of money on it. If it were cheaper I wouldnt feel so bad.... I know that he will not quit using spice no matter what (unless made illegal). In years past he wast a light mj smoker (just a few hits) but daily and loved it dearly. He is just using the spice as a crutch occasionally and I hate to see him shell out serious money like that.


Well-Known Member
well i would smoke some spice called damiana spice by funky monkey,but on ebay it was just damiana spice not by funky monky.Tell him to get funky monky it like 4 gs for 25 bucks.or some stuff called 303,202,komodo dragon,zombie matter.there all bomb


Active Member
hey i need help you guys seem like you have the answers i know im new to this but im on probation and i have stomach probs and it use to be ok cause id just smoke a j but now i have to take urines which is bull crap but anyway i became a fan of this spice and then when i went to my normal store its not there no more they told me my state bannned it which sucks cuz believe it or not it helped with me eating like good old mary use to but now im screwed because i cant find it and im constantly around mary and she is very tempting so is this stuff gone for good or whats the deal any help will do. i just cant afford to go to jail and i know my po would love to help with that.


Active Member
Im also on probation and started smoking this "new" spice without Jwh-018.. i hate the shit really but it is nice to get a buzz b4 bed... im also scarred bc who the hell knows whats in it, iv looked all over the web and cant find what the new chemical is, all i can find is whats not in it...
but my local "paki/indian" gas station carries it.. this is the company site you can Google one of the types and order it online if u cant find it locally(only one iv tryed is the G13- potpourri blue pack)....
good luck with your probation hope this helps
There are alot of different JWH products 018 and 073 being the most popular, can also try JWH-250. It may be illegal where you are but can still be easily ordered online for ~ $60 a gram if you look for it. I ordered so much awhile ago it will last till I am old and retired. When dealing with the pure substance it can be so easy to take to much and cause the most intense panic attacks I have ever experienced. At least they completely wear off in 45 mins. Normally I stick to the old MJ but just needed to add some to my tickle trunk collection of every drug I have ever dabbled in, for a rainy day. As for new spice ingrediants that mimic cannabis? Unless it's a synthetic cannabinoid it's probably just another JWH product, not like they list it in the ingredients.

Some others that are around are but I have yet to encounter in a Spice type products are.



Well-Known Member
On March 1, 2011, the DEA published its final notification of the temporary scheduling of five synthetic cannabinoids, adding them to Schedule I. These five synthetic cannabinoids (cannabicyclohexanol; CP47,497; JWH-018; JWH-073; and JWH-200) have been found in Spice-like products (Spice, K2, etc). Any product containing these newly controlled synthetic cannabinoids are now Schedule I controlled substances and illegal to possess without a license. See http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2011/2011-4428.htm.

There is also a "catch all" law which picks this sort of thing up. It basically states that using anything for other than its intended uses is unlawful. Since Spice is sold as an incense, smoking it to get high pretty much does the trick.


Well-Known Member
On March 1, 2011, the DEA published its final notification of the temporary scheduling of five synthetic cannabinoids, adding them to Schedule I. These five synthetic cannabinoids (cannabicyclohexanol; CP47,497; JWH-018; JWH-073; and JWH-200) have been found in Spice-like products (Spice, K2, etc). Any product containing these newly controlled synthetic cannabinoids are now Schedule I controlled substances and illegal to possess without a license. See http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2011/2011-4428.htm.

There is also a "catch all" law which picks this sort of thing up. It basically states that using anything for other than its intended uses is unlawful. Since Spice is sold as an incense, smoking it to get high pretty much does the trick.
rep for ya there buddy, i would use salvia if i couldn't smoke weed, hypothetically speaking that is ;-)


I just love bullshit like this: government interdiction, fear mongering and the threat of loss of individual freedoms (or jobs) pushing people away from known, natural, time-tested and truly safe forms of substance-recreation.... straight into the unknown, un-researched realm of laboratory analogues. And what's more, the designer drugs are only going to get more far out; more unknown and even more dangerous.

Wake up your state senators.


Active Member
hey i need help you guys seem like you have the answers i know im new to this but im on probation and i have stomach probs and it use to be ok cause id just smoke a j but now i have to take urines which is bull crap but anyway i became a fan of this spice and then when i went to my normal store its not there no more they told me my state bannned it which sucks cuz believe it or not it helped with me eating like good old mary use to but now im screwed because i cant find it and im constantly around mary and she is very tempting so is this stuff gone for good or whats the deal any help will do. i just cant afford to go to jail and i know my po would love to help with that.
Have you ever heard of this thing called punctuation? This is a forum not a text message dude, haha. All I can take away from your post is a headache.


Active Member
Jwh-018 is usually what people buy but from every story I have heard, including my boyfriends, it is not a very pleasant experience and I wouldn't recommend it. I would rather not smoke at all than to put that awful shit in my body. Spice is horrible. That's just my opinion though.