Spelling words backwards,amazing some of em!!

El Superbeasto

Active Member
Damn, you got me.

Well i cant,it clearly isnt Hulk Hogan spelt backwards............are you more confused now??
Thats wrong....jim Carrey backwards isnt Crack is bad,mmkay,dont smoke crack. Thats too many letters surely????
Well, under the assumption that this weed is making you this high, I have a proposition for you. This is between me and you, only me and you can see this post ;)

What is this strain you're smoking? Did you grow it? Are there clones? Can I have one? I have some lovely C99 clones I can trade. Pineapple phenobongsmilie.

This must be some potent-assed weed you're smoking, and as a connoisseur of good quality weed, well, I want some. So what's up?

buddha webb

New Member
Its weed bro....and your dead right:leaf:Im living thai /Malay border and it was fresh harvest of the Laos Sativa,its landrace,and it opens up your head and gets you so high!!!
good guessing...i aint no crack pot man...
Just been smokin long time and this weed is the best Sativa ive had in 25 yrs.................Jack Herer.................Rarer Jesus........Bbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Damn, you got me.

Well, under the assumption that this weed is making you this high, I have a proposition for you. This is between me and you, only me and you can see this post ;)

What is this strain you're smoking? Did you grow it? Are there clones? Can I have one? I have some lovely C99 clones I can trade. Pineapple phenobongsmilie.

This must be some potent-assed weed you're smoking, and as a connoisseur of good quality weed, well, I want some. So what's up?

buddha webb

New Member
Jimmy jones aint likin it so i will get less high and regain my sanity,i will improve on future posts man.......last one.......stalone..............B


I find spelling the word "I" a tad tricky LMAO the big gig in my day way back was spelling "shelloil" on the calculator... also think the word "oo" not only spells the same backwards but sound the same too.

buddha webb

New Member
Thats not one,,,you cant do it!! So you dont understand,so you get confused!!:confused:....think.....try this one.................go to another thread.......Barney Flintstone? you gettin it yet?

I got one for ya

What am I reading....The stupidest fucking thread ever.

buddha webb

New Member
this ones the best..........literal.......non figurative sense.

Does this forum require complete logical formation or is sillyness allowed...im gonna start offending offenders,living in Thailand makes you realise just how highly strung people really are in the west,and that marijuana does in fact not chill em...........................intolerant.......not understanding.........B follow the middle way..if you know it!or heard of it?

buddha webb

New Member
Newt gingrich........ginger retard (this is not literal) for people who dont understand,its non sensical......life is nonsence too.....hence thread.

buddha webb

New Member
Tuk Khun Mai mee Samong Looey!!..........thats the Thai language,Thailand is a country outside the US.....it differs from the US.