

Well-Known Member
Ive already posted this in another thread but i will start a new one here.

so here's my take on speedyseedz:

Order Received!

my original order was either confiscated by customs, or otherwise eaten by the mail gremlins. Since I never recieved a notice from US customs stating order was confiscated, I can only assume that is was stolen somewhere in the mail system or something like that.
Despite that and speedy being on vacation he somehow managed to get out an order with a very nice pack of FREEBIES! to make up for the lost order!
here's the report:

Ease of ordering **** I would give 5 stars but paypal kinda messed with me, being an international order they would not allow an instant transfer, so it took an additional 3-5 days for payment processing. but thats not speedy's fault. fuck paypal :twisted:

Selection of site: ***** although small, nothing but high quality established product. i dont want to waste my hard earned cash on risky beans from an unknown breeder anyway.

Stealth: **** pretty creative, but sheap and effective. definitly more concern for damage to the product than packaging ive seen from other places. only giveaway it was something unique was the customs sticker. was fun to open, like peeling an onion. not gonna give out too much more info on this though, for obvious reasons.

Customer Service: ****** 6 out of 5 stars. sets a new standard for the business.

Speed of shipping: ***** 7-9 days to cross the atlantic and get to me, in BFE. no complaints there!

Packaging: original sealed breeders packs, cant ask for more than that!

thats Aurora B and The Pure, by The Flying Dutchmen. sorry about the shitty pic, but that is a nice shag carpet, isnt it? :lol:

Overall Experience- ***** I see good things for speedy in the future, and I will be ordering again as the need arises. I have ordered from the 'tude in the past, and single seeds, and I am more than happy with speedy's service for a variety of reasons, and I hope anyone else ordering from him has the same experience as I have. (sans the lost order)

So hats off to speedy for providing a much needed reliable service to us, its nice to deal with someone that actually cares for a change. Like I said, his customer service is excellent, especially for a one man show.
So my advice-
Order away


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks for the review. Paypal is the devil read the user agreement they got you by the balls never use them for anything!


Well-Known Member
I use Paypal for all sorts of international payments and have never had any delays in the transaction. My .02


Well-Known Member
it was wierd. i use paypal all the time for domestic orders and have never had it do that to me, might have been a one time fluke? who knows.
i got my beans though... now i just have to finish my other cab, move a few bushes around, and start germinating.
hopefully i will get lotsa happy little trees, the more bitches the merrier. i think i will do a journal for this one, follow the product from order to harvest.