Spectrum King 600 series - "95% efficiency"?

Those Chinese cobs come pre-burnt out.........

some more informative info from their site:

C.O.B Myth and High Wattage LEDs

Another point of confusion for customers is the constant advertisement of C.O.B. (chip on board) LEDs and how they will dominate the market. As a commercial manufacturer of some of the best grow lights in the business, we are here to tell you that their popularity and dominance are a bit overblown.

C.O.B. LEDs have been around for over a decade. There are only three reasons to choose a C.O.B. LED:

  1. Reduce the cost of materials to make the LED
  2. Save money by eliminating the need for circuit boards
  3. Group more LED diodes into one small area
C.O.B. lights offer lower efficiency and overall light output. By adding and cramming more diodes into a tight array that share the same substrate, heat becomes a big issue. As the C.O.B.’s run hotter, they:

  • Emit fewer lumens
  • Have a lower efficiency
  • Develop a shorter lifespan
Take a look below at some of these in-house made LEDs and how they discolor and degrade over a short period of time.

Standard self-contained diodes are the leading LEDs in the industry and have performances that are double that of C.O.B. LEDs. Every LED that claims to be 10, 20, 50 or even 100 watts is a C.O.B.
I'm curious to see your buds... I run 600 watts in a 4x4 & feel like I need more light... don't be upset if they're not what you expected
at 12.5 g/sf the gpw should be good but i would expect the tops to be good quality and everything 6" or more down to be very larfy
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all cree did was provide the chips and do testing for them (at some cost of course). they are not custom chips or anything

ill bet they sell more highbays than grow lights... much larger market
Well because I'm not a total LED geek and I thought maybe there was the possibility that someone out there might have a new idea that people here might not know about yet and be interested in discussing. I have no horse in this race. I use Timber Grow Lights presently, but I'm always interested in learning more about new lights, too. The oil cooled thing made me think that if the emitters could be kept cool enough then they would run more efficiently....but I was surprised by the "92% efficient" and "medical grade drivers" claims. He follows up and says "Out of the 640 watts, you get 600 watts of light and 40 watts of heat". That seems pretty efficient.

Don't shoot the messenger.

"total LED geek"... There's more to engineering than LEDs.

"don't shoot the messenger"

..... When you were told "there's no such thing as stupid questions", it was mostly intended for kids... When adults ask stupid questions and know better, it's just plain annoying and deserving of ridicule. No it's not 95% efficient.... Adults tend to knowingly ask stupid questions in a passive aggressive manner...
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What do you mean by "highbay fixture"? Is there a particular physical feature that identifies it as that? Please explain. Thanks!
"total LED geek"... There's more to engineering than LEDs.
I want to learn more about these lights, not have someone like you insinuate that "common sense" should prevent me from questioning whether or not the claims are valid. If I don't know, then I don't know. Maybe it's beneath someone of your knowledge to ask such questions....not me though.
I want to learn more about these lights, not have someone like you insinuate that "common sense" should prevent me from questioning whether or not the claims are valid. If I don't know, then I don't know. Maybe it's beneath someone of your knowledge to ask such questions....not me though.

You see us talking about 35-65% efficient lamps on a regular basis. Now use your common sense. Why would DIYers be building ~50% efficient lamps if spectrum king is 95% efficient? Why would there be such a huge ongoing fight about which is better, HPS or LED when spectrum king is secretly developing a lamp that's twice as good.

FUCK NO IT'S NOT 95% efficient. duh. It's not a matter of you not having common sense, it's a way of you trying to sound smart in the dumbest way possible by trying to second guess everyone else here. "hey guys, look what I found... could you all be wrong???"
You see us talking about 35-65% efficient lamps on a regular basis. Now use your common sense. Why would DIYers be building ~50% efficient lamps if spectrum king is 95% efficient? Why would there be such a huge ongoing fight about which is better, HPS or LED when spectrum king is secretly developing a lamp that's twice as good.

FUCK NO IT'S NOT 95% efficient. duh. It's not a matter of you not having common sense, it's a way of you trying to sound smart in the dumbest way possible by trying to second guess everyone else here. "hey guys, look what I found... could you all be wrong???"
Why yell at me about it? You're tripping, man. I'm only asking some questions. There are a lot of DIY guys on here building ~50% efficient lights. I understand that. duh. But there are also big companies that spend a lot of money developing new ideas, too. For example, just a few months ago, Alex Lau came on here with some new development in COB technology that no one had ever seen before. It was kind of exciting to read about it even if not that many people actually dropped whatever they were DIY-ing to adopt what Alex was showing off. It's a discussion forum. I don't know why you think I'm here to sound smart and second guess all your expertise. However, sometimes people DO come up with new ideas that propel things to the next level. Up until about a year or so ago, everyone in the LED world was using small-diode arrays. Then suddenly everything was all about COBs. Why do you suggest that someone out there couldn't come up with something new and innovative enough to make another jump? To me, a layman, that SK light looked different than what all the DIYers are working on....I thought maybe it might work differently, too.
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Why yell at me about it? You're tripping, man. I'm only asking some questions. There are a lot of DIY guys on here building ~50% efficient lights. I understand that. duh. But there are also big companies that spend a lot of money developing new ideas, too. For example, just a few months ago, Alex Lau came on here with some new development in COB technology that no one had ever seen before. It was kind of exciting to read about it even if not that many people actually dropped whatever they were DIY-ing to adopt what Alex was showing off. It's a discussion forum. I don't know why you think I'm here to sound smart and second guess all your expertise. However, sometimes people DO come up with new ideas that propel things to the next level. Up until about a year or so ago, everyone in the LED world was using small-diode arrays. Then suddenly everything was all about COBs. Why do you suggest that someone out there couldn't come up with something new and innovative enough to make another jump? To me, a layman, that SK light looked different than what all the DIYers are working on....I thought maybe it might work differently, too.
I have a feeling it does work differently than cobs and wish we could see someone here on RIU do a grow with one without ridicule.
Cob's are not the be all end all.....
Clearly lawyers haven't taken a look in to LED grow companies advertising.

"Plus, the SK600 boasts full spectrum light that replicates natural sunlight perfectly. These spectrums ensure that the SK600 matches the intensity of natural sunlight with over 100,000 Lux to deliver superb performance day after day while providing ample PAR output as well."
i think my favorite part is "SK 400= same intensity as a 1000 HPS" and "SK600 = 80% more intensity than SK400 = same intensity as a DE HPS"

i did not know that DE HPS was 80% more intense than SE HPS. no wonder they are so popular