I hear you, I lose my car keys...cell phone...wallet all the time and most of the time they're somewhere ridiculous probably cause I was too medicated oh well. I would strongly agree with you to grow WW again, just because it's a great strain, I've seen it do well in SCRoG, and you can tweak and better your next grow since you know a little bit more about the exact strain. I had a few "trial" grows just for learning experience not even focusing on yield and it really does help sticking to one strain when you first start out, getting the basics, learning how the cannabis grows, etc. But hey you can always venture out and pick a different strain each grow even if your beginning to expand the horizons just might face a few difficulties, which are really the best lessons if you research and learn how to deal with em. One big piece of advice I would give you is to journal your first few grows in exact details (ppm, water temp, etc). I can't stress enough how helpful it is having records of when I overnuted, undernuted, what week it was, whatever - to look back on if I'm dealing with the same strain again. It's like a personal guide!Mr Bong,
I sure do hope so! I am tryng to find my phone to take some more pics but... I smoke too much weed. I need a remote alarm on everything I own that is small enough to fit in one's pocket.
I am already excited for my next grow. I am going to stick with white widow (why throw strain specific experience out the window eh). But I also want to try something else any suggestions? Using soil, tent, next grow will be scrog, LED light all the way through, oh yes and love.
There are soo many strains and they all look so pretty its hard to decide.
that makes me smilebut it's basically overloaded with light. Happens a lot with hid.
Extra blue is good, and so are the yellows and oranges if you're seeing a few of them. The early versions of this light ran too hot in red, spreading out the spectrum in that area is hopefully the right move. If you ever need anything from him I wish you luck because it can take weeks just to reach him. And if anyone is ever stuck without a power cord, a power cord to a desktop computer will suffice. I got a DOA cord and have those damn desktop PC cords laying around in the cord/cable graveyard.its the spectra 100 from ebay, but it was being sold by him, he had a few 180s a 500 and a 100w for various prices. I got the 100w for $130 shipping incl. not bad at all, i think I like the blackstar better though the spectra 100 seems very blue compared to the 240 BS.
^^^^^Not sure if you're serious............on top of the canopy, you will undoubtadly see burning of the leaves and possible bleaching of the top most calyxes, but this is no big deal and should be ignored in light of the benefit of much bigger denser buds, this i can assure you. Second cut off all fan leaves, that is the large single leaf below each branch, and any spindly large fan leaves on very developed branches. Doing this will allow for much better penetration of light to bud sites therefore increasing yields. Finally my last advice is once your finished with this grow sell those lights and invest in better ones, if you want my personal opinion on best lights for price/quality/specialized for flowering cannabis just pm me. Again i know this was criicall but these are facts and good advice, i leave it up to you as to weather or not you wish to follow it. awesome plant, get those cycles right and be kind t her, she doesnt like to be stressed. Happy growing. Peace. P.S. sorry about the countless spelling snd gramaticall errors, typing on a tablet is tough, lol
Cheers, yea I was wondering about those greens and yellows. I learned the light distance lesson the hard way kinda, I think I avoided total disaster but if my girl looks liek she is still stressed tomorrow I will flush and raise lights a bit. Tomorrow is a no nute water anyway. So we shall see in a few days if the discoloring stops.Extra blue is good, and so are the yellows and oranges if you're seeing a few of them. The early versions of this light ran too hot in red, spreading out the spectrum in that area is hopefully the right move. If you ever need anything from him I wish you luck because it can take weeks just to reach him. And if anyone is ever stuck without a power cord, a power cord to a desktop computer will suffice. I got a DOA cord and have those damn desktop PC cords laying around in the cord/cable graveyard.
Best of luck with your spectra, watch your distance in flower, I run mine about 24".
ya me either, cut off fan leaves, I dunno, I thinned them out a week ago but certainly didnt remove any substantial amount about 5% of them mostly from the under canopy. Jorge told me not to cut any lol so I was worried with just the thinning. If Doctor's advice is to throw away my LEDs and replace them with HID then I must, as I seem to do often, remind him that this is an LED forum and I dont need to hear the benefits of HIDvsLED lol not again, and again, and again^^^^^Not sure if you're serious............