***special: Tga subcool super soil recipe available now***


Well-Known Member
Would you like to flower from start to finish without adding, measuring and mixing nutrients?

With Subcool Super Soil, you can go from day 1 to harvest with just watering your plants as they need it.

More information can be obtained here:


I have properly mixed and added all the necessary nutrients and the soil has been cooking for about a month now. This soil should be used after the plant is fully rooted in a 2-3 gallon container to prevent any root damage or shock.

I am selling 5 gallon containers at $15 each.

Please PM me a # where you can be reached if interested. Auburn Hills pickup only.
this guy is on other sites all day long selling worse than dirt. LOL

he always has the strangest things for sale. shake, seeded bud, trim ....always pick up in auburn hills only. i think he doesnt drive... alot of people on 'another site' dog him for the quality etc.
"This soil should be used after the plant is fully rooted in a 2-3 gallon container to prevent any root damage or shock."

This information is false. You DO NOT use it in a 2-3 gallon container! You should use it in a #10 smart pot and put 30%-50% of the bottom of it. Maybe you should do some research (on the soil that I assume you've used....maybe not though with that info) before you sell people something and then they burn the shit out of their plants with your bad info bro. And do you have all the boxes and proof that you actually used ALL the said products? It's tough to believe someone has used the SS mix if they can't even properly explain how to use it.


how do we know you made it properly?
sorry but if I was buying Subs soil I would only buy it from Sub himself​

It's not hard to till soil when you have the exact recipe, unless of course you're implying that the op is a fucking moron... which seems possible.
Why wouldn't someone just make their own super soil slap nuts?
This information is false. You DO NOT use it in a 2-3 gallon container! You should use it in a #10 smart pot and put 30%-50% of the bottom of it. Maybe you should do some research (on the soil that I assume you've used....maybe not though with that info) before you sell people something and then they burn the shit out of their plants with your bad info bro. And do you have all the boxes and proof that you actually used ALL the said products? It's tough to believe someone has used the SS mix if they can't even properly explain how to use it.


I have used my way without burn at all. I have grown Chocolope, Kushberry, Jillybean, Sour S all with fantastic results. The key is to just water it and not add any nutrients. Sorry you had a bad experience.
I have not had a bad experience. If you take the time to read the thread that YOU sourced it specifically says to use #10 nursery pots and that if you use more than 50% there is a good chance of burn unless it's a heavy feeder. So for example if you growing a finicky haze/cheese strain you would for sure burn the shit out of your plant. You need to do more subcool supersoil research before you start giving out you shitty soil/info.

Do not put seeds or clones directly in this mix. It is a concentrated mix used in conjunction with base soil. Place it in the bottom of each finishing container. Fully rooted, established clones should be placed in a bed of base soil that is layered on top of the concentrate. As the plants grow, they slowly push their roots into the Super Soil, drawing up all nutrients needed to complete their life cycle. Super Soil can also be used to top dress plants that take longer to mature.

I use this mix for a full year, just adding about 30-50% in the lower portion of the container, depending on the strain, and plain base soil in the top portion. (Base soil means your regular potting soil such as Roots, Harvest Moon, or even Sunshine Mix without the additives!)"
You cant do my method in a 5 gallon.
They run out of gas and the pot dosnt have enough surface area for large yeilds.
In 5 gallons fade can start as early as day 30 of budding.

I use min 7 gallon pots and my standard is a 10

This SQ featured gave us 8.5 ounces last run


Now what part of that don't you understand?
Quit with the bad info and start doing some research. I've read every Subcool thread/Video out and when you give out bad info I will call you on it.
If this asshat can't even following proper directions on how to use the supersoil, I certainly wouldn't be buying a soil mix from him. What else did you skim over and do half ass?
If someone can't follow the directions and mix up the soil themselves, then maybe growing is not for them.
If someone can't follow the directions and mix up the soil themselves, then maybe growing is not for them.

2 totally different things.
Subs soil is for advanced users that know what they are doing.
anyone can grow, they just may need to start out with something prepackaged before starting to add their own nutrients.

I dont use Subs soil for personal reasons that dosent mean growing isnt for me. :-)
2 totally different things.
Subs soil is for advanced users that know what they are doing.
anyone can grow, they just may need to start out with something prepackaged before starting to add their own nutrients.

I dont use Subs soil for personal reasons that dosent mean growing isnt for me. :-)
...My bad:P