Special k mothuafuckas!


Well-Known Member
Its weird like I havent ever dug deep for different drugs since... Highschool, and now Im just finding out that there are all these drugs around me that mustve been invisible..

But ketamines great! I was on it ALL DAY yesterday, I snorted 50mg at first just because my friend wanted me to do it with him.. Then you know how k is.. My wallet just became looser and looser.. I actually experienced a k hole for the first time!

That part was really really cool. It followed some weird like I dont know who here has ever played 'black and white' but it was like a world from that game. I was in this sparkly pink vortex with the persona of my favorite childhood game! It got much much cooler, but it was just weird.. I remember being so fucked up we were trying to smoke and couldnt.

Then I had this stuff called minderaser(I always have some k2 shit because if your not 'high enough' one hit of that will set you straight lol) and whoa.. I threw a 20 at my buddies face, he laid out 200mg, I had just snorted 100mg like 30 minutes prior.. Keep in mind we were just swinging around trying to make this work

Then we get the fucking motivation to smoke! I railed the shit and then took a fat hit and held it in(probably a huge mistake that shits scary) but I dont regret it at all, it was a very very memorable experience, and I cant even say I've been happier.

Ketamine is a great drug, the one im most partial to in fact. unfortunately there is a drought in the UK, so bad that its got to the point of people selling MXE as k without any heads up to customers. Multiple reports of this all over.
wtf is it sounds interesting idk how people get fucked up off that k2 spice i smoked a shit load of it and never got shit tried all the different kinds maybe its because i smoke like a o a day idk but that ketamine where do i get it and in what form
Back when I lived in the UK and was going clubbing 3 days a week (2001-2003) I LOVED ket. But I could only do it when I was on E. Somehow that was the best chemical combo for me. I remember headbanging at an afterhours club at 10am Sunday morning. I have thought I was the main character in Halo in my living room. I once found myself in an odd Picasso-esque world where the laws of physics seemed totally different. I remember thinking "huh this doesnt seem normal, but, I dont really remember what normal feels like, so this must just be reality". Oh man, thinking the TV was a window to another room. Being lead by hand through Preston because the police shut down a party we were at and I was temporarily blind. Yea Ket, lots o fun.
^ I dont know if I agree with that one.. Lol honestly k probably is my favorite drug. Its just strange how happy it makes you! Lsd has the same happiness effect but k goes way longer. I love doing k while on lsd. The visuals that specific night I remember laying on my friends floor staring at the wall, and there were no like mind hallucinations.. Nothing psychedelic like mushrooms or lsd.. It was like everything in the room transformed. The door frames turned into giant ladders and the door knob turned into a greenish spider lady who was jumping all around the ladders..

Doing k on lsd I remember was crazy, but I never k holed on lsd. Thats for this weekend :)
I dont know about lucy and K together but separately you think K lasts longer than lucy? You must have some rockin K! Because every time I have done acid (only about 4 or 5) it has lasted for 6 hours plus. With ket, unless I do more, I am usually done with the trippy party after about an hour. I would even say shrooms lasts longer.
nonono you misunderstood me. Lol the afterglow lasts longer, I shouldve specified. Its strange how happy k makes you for such a prolonged amount of time.. Lsd does the same, but I only feel the glow for like.. 3 days at most. With k its been going for awhile.

I did a little reseaarch

Its a very apparent and awesome feature of K, hard to get too down a few days after a K doser =D
Thats why ketamine is my favorite drug. The visuals and feeling from it are outstanding! Totally blows lucy out of the water


you should try frying nuts on lucy

and then lining up 100mg k:shock:

you will not be dissapointed

though you may not remember much detail :lol: it may come back later, though..
I'm not the biggest fan of lucy and k actually.
What k mixes great with is molly. In fact, molly blow and k in the same line. Or CKM as the "pros" call it.
I used to do a fair amount of k, but same thing happened with k that happened to me with lucy. I just felt satisfied and done with it completely one day. May I warn you against doing too much k. Having a massive tolerance to k is a great way to waste all of your money.
Go to electronic music shows, especially dubstep, there's a ridiculous amount of k just floating around. There's usually acid and molly at club evens too.
Big festivals always have a lot of k in them as well as other fun things such as sassy and meskerin (mescaline).
Or, got to a vet and somehow persuade the vet to give you their tranquilizer... probably the most difficult of the three options.
Ketamine is a great drug, the one im most partial to in fact. unfortunately there is a drought in the UK, so bad that its got to the point of people selling MXE as k without any heads up to customers. Multiple reports of this all over.

is there fucking i keep getting offered k daily but not my cuppa tea
Gotta agree with mccumcumber

150mg molly + 100mg or so (+) of k is bomb

No drug slash drug combo can come to the feeling of that. Molly and k were destined to be together

