Special Features of the Opium Poppy


Well-Known Member
breadseed poppies????? Im goin to the store in a bit and will see,, hopefully someone can answer before I go....


Well-Known Member
I remeber buying a pack of ebay,,, I only wanted to grow them for seeds so I could resell on ebay but I never ended up doing that..... I did however cut the poppy pod just after the leafs fall off apprenlty "peek potency" just to see what it would look like,,, it was this nasty brown liquid juice,,, the next day it went black/super dark purpul...... anyway my dad cut them all up,,, lucky he did as I might of been tempted to try it one day,,,, never kept any of that shit just chucked it,,, its like playing with fire if you ask me "just dont do it"
You dumbass, smoke that! :wall:


Well-Known Member
I remeber buying a pack of ebay,,, I only wanted to grow them for seeds so I could resell on ebay but I never ended up doing that..... I did however cut the poppy pod just after the leafs fall off apprenlty "peek potency" just to see what it would look like,,, it was this nasty brown liquid juice,,, the next day it went black/super dark purpul...... anyway my dad cut them all up,,, lucky he did as I might of been tempted to try it one day,,,, never kept any of that shit just chucked it,,, its like playing with fire if you ask me "just dont do it"
Your dad... how old are you kid? and why wouldnt you smoke that....?


Well-Known Member
Stories like that just break my f-n heart....:wall:
I remeber buying a pack of ebay,,, I only wanted to grow them for seeds so I could resell on ebay but I never ended up doing that..... I did however cut the poppy pod just after the leafs fall off apprenlty "peek potency" just to see what it would look like,,, it was this nasty brown liquid juice,,, the next day it went black/super dark purpul...... anyway my dad cut them all up,,, lucky he did as I might of been tempted to try it one day,,,, never kept any of that shit just chucked it,,, its like playing with fire if you ask me "just dont do it"