Spary Or Not

Another Grower looked at them and says he don't think it's Bugs he thinks it is too much Nitrogen.

Don't care for the Pots my Son put them in they are Self Watering Plastic Pots. My wife said that is all he uses.

I hope that guy is right Chemicals in ways are better than Bugs. This might be why not seeing damage on other Clones.
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Another Grower looked at them and says he don't think it's Bugs he thinks it is too much Nitrogen.
This will change.

My Nutes are not to have any salts so I'm hoping this will help. I wanted to repot but those around me said no.
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I'm thinking Trip.

But like I say I'm wanting to flip but thinking I need to Spray at least one more time just to .
So far they seem Happy. I can't do anything with them until I have help.

Our Son put them in there, my wife said that is what he has all his plants in. I have Fiber Pots and soil but like I say I can't do anything.
I have seen a lot of thrip damage, even with those insanely blurry pics i lean toward thrips. the black spots you saw were likely the shit of thrips. thrips suck, they are not insanely bad like spider mites but they are tough to completely cleanse. Neem, citric acid, Insecticidal soaps. In my fights with them i found a 44 gallon drum filled halfway with clean water, then either dump in enough citric/soap/neem to knock them down. citric may scorch your pistils, I have really only dealt with them in veg and early flower. If they are their in veg, i try to eradicate before flower goes to far. You really do ened better pics. look all on your leaves, tops and bottoms. you will be looking for a little crawler like in my picture. or bigger darker adults. if you thought you had fungus gnats, you could well be seeing adult fliers. Get blue stickies for adult fliers. This is all of course if you can confirm Thrips..
OK the Tent was open and Fan off when Light was off because Son said this is what he does.

I redid this have Fan on 24/7 Light 18/6 for now, Tent closed up.

The Plants are looking better. I might Spray one more time before Flip.
Cinnamon for root health? New one on me. :confused:

Cinnamon as a rooting agent is as useful as willow water or hormone rooting powder. A single application to the stem when you plant the cutting will stimulate root growth in almost every plant variety. Give your cuttings a quick start with the help of cinnamon powder.

Yes indeed, very good for the organic gardener
Sounds good and we already buy Cinnamon in bulk.

Been using Aloe sap for Clones.

Great I think our Son is getting tiered of doing stuff so it will be up to me and my wife. She helped me yesterday setting up the Tent. Today she is busy on other stuff like moving into a room that isn't finished yet.
