Sparkling gold on fan leaves?

Ya i dont know how to tell you this but thats not gold on your leaves no matter what you read :-)
You’re the master grower right? Have you ever in your life seen anything like it? If that’s no then what could it be if all other possibilities have been ruled out sure it’s very improbable but not impossible.
Ya i dont know how to tell you this but thats not gold on your leaves no matter what you read :-)
So here are some more pictures the first one is with the gold color the second I wiped it off with a q tip just to prove no damage has been done to the leaf and third picture is to prove the health of the underside of the leaf.
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I reckon its insect there any kind of insect in your room bud..ive had near everything on mine so cant say what it doesnt affect the plant though..

Edit ...i didnt see your pic till now..thats a great close up.ive only had like just a dab on leaves.its pretty rare on my plants ..i think ive only seen it on 2 different plants.out of the 6 i have
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I reckon its insect there any kind of insect in your room bud..ive had near everything on mine so cant say what it doesnt affect the plant though..
No I’ve never seen one bug in my grow room it’s -20 outside my growroom so bugs are not flying in. It’s very sticky though like sap it’s a clear sap with the golden color in it smells like very good weed they just started flowering about a week ago when this all started showing up.
I reckon its insect there any kind of insect in your room bud..ive had near everything on mine so cant say what it doesnt affect the plant though..

Edit ...i didnt see your pic till now..thats a great close up.ive only had like just a dab on leaves.its pretty rare on my plants ..i think ive only seen it on 2 different plants.out of the 6 i have
So your thinking it’s a resin? Is it odd for fan leaves to Secrete sap?
Dunno..good question..i can think of a fly in in my circumstances..bit like a bird doing a shit in mid air and dropping on my plant :smile:..but is def not the case in your room lol..
I havnt the faintest atm buddy....could b its excreting it.ive always thought it was an insect
so id like to know also to settle my curiosity..
Me too, I’ve noticed it’s not on any of the tops of the plant only leaves that have other leaves on top and it does look like it was dropped on so I’m going to go inspect the branches for any kind of sap leakage.
(I wouldn't taste it or smoke it till I found out) I have herd of a money tree my kids thought I had one.If that's gold in them Thar hills that must be one.
You’re the master grower right? Have you ever in your life seen anything like it? If that’s no then what could it be if all other possibilities have been ruled out sure it’s very improbable but not impossible.

Im not a master grower, read my posts - average grower just have an education which in America seems rare as fuck thesedays.

Firstly nothing was secreted by the leaf, that has been dropped or wiped onto the leaf as the pictures clearly show clear water marks that were obviously placed on the leaf not came from the leaf.

Now it definitely isnt gold and should rethink what plants do if you think they take gold from the soil and displace it onto the leaf surface.

Pretty sure you will work out the source with some extended investigation :-)
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It cannot be gold you do not need to be a master grower to know that,in fact you do not even need to know anything about growing to know that.Looks like fake news to me.If it is really happening you will need for someone who has experienced the same thing and actually identified it.Not an opinion of what it could have been, but actually was.Ask( does anyone else have access to my plants could be a prank)?What am I using on these I have never used before?Are you spraying the plants with anything?Now for the big that the actual color or is that just the color it turns into after a few hours?does it attach itself to the plant over time or still wipe off?is it there in the morning does it happen over night?did something drop from my bottle or something on the leaf?Ah so many questions and not enough answers.If by some miracle it turns out to be gold I would like some of the seeds LOL.Seriously best of luck to you,don't let it drive you crazy trying to figure out.unless its to late and your all ready crazy like me.Very unlikely all other possibilities have been ruled out there endless.OH just a thought,its hard to tell from pictures but looks like sodium crystals turned gold color,or the hard stuff that develops on the neck of a bottle of liquid when exposed to oxygen and is kind of sticky and drops off when your stoned and don't wipe it off first or gets on your sleeve or something you certainly is baffling.
It cannot be gold you do not need to be a master grower to know that,in fact you do not even need to know anything about growing to know that.Looks like fake news to me.If it is really happening you will need for someone who has experienced the same thing and actually identified it.Not an opinion of what it could have been, but actually was.Ask( does anyone else have access to my plants could be a prank)?What am I using on these I have never used before?Are you spraying the plants with anything?Now for the big that the actual color or is that just the color it turns into after a few hours?does it attach itself to the plant over time or still wipe off?is it there in the morning does it happen over night?did something drop from my bottle or something on the leaf?Ah so many questions and not enough answers.If by some miracle it turns out to be gold I would like some of the seeds LOL.Seriously best of luck to you,don't let it drive you crazy trying to figure out.unless its to late and your all ready crazy like me.Very unlikely all other possibilities have been ruled out there endless.OH just a thought,its hard to tell from pictures but looks like sodium crystals turned gold color,or the hard stuff that develops on the neck of a bottle of liquid when exposed to oxygen and is kind of sticky and drops off when your stoned and don't wipe it off first or gets on your sleeve or something you certainly is baffling.
I use organic living soil I am the only person with access to my grow it’s under surveillance and is locked. Nothing I do has changed I grow my plants same as always, it’s not bugs it’s not from the ceiling. I would never make false claims about anything if that’s what your referring to as fake news. Literally nothing in my grow has changed but the flip. I keep my room sterile.839F48D4-7F6A-4536-B2A2-A5A242DACDCB.jpeg
What ive seen on mine .it is very fine smooth like.and you can hardly feel it when wiping it off with fingers.looks a little similar to mustard .its only seen on my top leaves..plants only knee high..never looked at lowers though..havnt sprayed or spilt anything on it to get it..
It cannot be gold you do not need to be a master grower to know that,in fact you do not even need to know anything about growing to know that.Looks like fake news to me.If it is really happening you will need for someone who has experienced the same thing and actually identified it.Not an opinion of what it could have been, but actually was.Ask( does anyone else have access to my plants could be a prank)?What am I using on these I have never used before?Are you spraying the plants with anything?Now for the big that the actual color or is that just the color it turns into after a few hours?does it attach itself to the plant over time or still wipe off?is it there in the morning does it happen over night?did something drop from my bottle or something on the leaf?Ah so many questions and not enough answers.If by some miracle it turns out to be gold I would like some of the seeds LOL.Seriously best of luck to you,don't let it drive you crazy trying to figure out.unless its to late and your all ready crazy like me.Very unlikely all other possibilities have been ruled out there endless.OH just a thought,its hard to tell from pictures but looks like sodium crystals turned gold color,or the hard stuff that develops on the neck of a bottle of liquid when exposed to oxygen and is kind of sticky and drops off when your stoned and don't wipe it off first or gets on your sleeve or something you certainly is baffling.
One last thing I would like to add is after some more review I have noticed it starts where I have new growth where the leaves form it’s already present seems it just grows out.