Spare Equipment - I'm usually prepared


Active Member
I usually have at least 2 of everything I need no matter what I progress is not halted. However, I do not have a spare microscope and my scope bulb blew out rendering it basically useless last night when I went to check out the babettes. I had ordered another one about 10 days ago but was informed the package has been lost by USPS (just what I need) so ordered another digital one that should be here next week (fingers crossed). In the meantime I am at day 56 of 12/12 and day 49 since flowers appeared. Not worried about 2 of the babe-ettes as they could go a little longer. My hermie however has mostly brown/reddish pistils and last time I looked (about 5 days ago) the Trich's were about 40% clear, rest cloudy, very few amber and no seeds. Was hoping I could see them to determine if it was ready enough as I'm tired of being a banana picker and need to start it's final feeding (1/4 strength nutes with mag/cal and sugardaddy). Just another case of bad timing - so moral of the story is - be prepared - things happen at the most in-opportune moment....sigh.