Spare a minute plz


Active Member
This is just my great luck for the first time things were going perfect was so proud. had two systems other just passed 4th week of flowering and the other going 10 days i´ve been on 12 12 light cyrcle (lights turning on 10:00 turning off 22:00)
Tonight at 2:30 i gotta feeling i really shut go check out my babys when light blinds my eyes:/ tought i would have a heartattack.

Dramatic explanaiton little high :bigjoint:

Anyways thinking of turning the lights on at 12:00 and turning them off around 00:00 tomorow. ....... Or what is the best thing to do, will this stress my plants (hermie?????

Growing in atami 8pot system wonder woman (just passed 4thweek flow.)
-"- GHe aero?"!23? not sure 28pots bubbleicius ( just passed 10th day flow.)

:wall:Please help me what should i do about the lightcycle??? will this effect my plants much?


Well-Known Member
Is there really a need to make two threads on the same topic in the same day?
When you signed up to this site you agreed to rules and in those rules it said not to do this
Not to knowingly make multiple threads on the same subject on the same forum
I can post a link if you would like


Active Member
didnt relize i was breaking rules........ feel little stupid sry
desprate worried not sure what to do exactly or if i will end up with buds full of seeds


Active Member
there in 12/12 .... the lights went 4 1/2 hours to long, shut i still turn them on on regular time ?