SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
i agree G, i would of liked to see his bud harvested and some pics of it all nice and manicured.


Well-Known Member
Who cares where he went. How bout we just stop posting in this thead - LOL! I mean, if he's going to start a journal and grow some bomb ass herb, at least finish the journal off.


^^ why dont u guy's just add him in MSN ?


Well-Known Member
Cant Help It!!! Jason!!! Bump Bump Bump???

Knock, Knock.... "can Jason Come Out And Play ???" Db.~tlb!:) Jones-ing.!!!
I Need Closure.!!! Lol


Well-Known Member
Jason... Honestly man all you have to do is pay attention to the clitoris man... make her happy enough and all she'll want to do is sleep and shop.... shell leave you alone about yor grwo and wont think you pay more attention to your other ladies.... all she needs is clitorial stimilus.... we all know about your small stature of a man...hehehe.. yor asian after all.... so use the tounge brotha.. hehehe... all this was a joke of course..


Well-Known Member
its all supply and demand, with the punishments that harsh over in south korea there is probably not many growers or dealers so 100 a gram would probably seem totally reasonable over their.


Well-Known Member
I think he's a pussy for at least not finishing his journal, not to mention he's all fucked up over a girl.

Bros before hoes...



Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];935379 said:
Grnman! Suck One!
Man, don't come here with your hate you fucken wigger. You don't start something then quit because of a girl. You wanna run your mouth and not look like an idiot when I school you, then let's take it to PM. I was voicing my OP and if you don't like it. EAT MY COCK.


Actually, I'd rather school you here in front of everybody. So run your wigger mouth if you want. I'd love to bring up all the posts of you riden this fools dick. I mean, every time I looked at your post, they made me laugh. Specially when you tried to get all internet gangster on us. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would agree if you start something, FINISH IT!

The forum is open brother to say whatever you gotta say. I was just voicing my opinion.
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Well-Known Member
man GRNMAN. why you telling everyone my secret huh. im some wigger haha. you know what. if you said that in my face you would have regret that shit bitch!


Well-Known Member
LMFAO! That's all you could come up with? I say wigger cuz I know what you are kid. You're a wanna be internet thug. Those are the worst IMO. Just sick back and keep riding this fools dick.

What makes you even worst is that you are threating to try and buck up to me over the internet. Get a fucking life dude and stop riding this dudes dick. And stick to your lame ass pot. Let's see how long it takes your lame internet thug ass to come up with something better then, "Man, I got street cred. I'll kick your ass!"

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Well-Known Member
LMFAO! That's all you could come up with? I say wigger cuz I know what you are kid. You're a wanna be internet thug. Those are the worst IMO. Just sick back and keep riding this fools dick.

What makes you even worst is that you are threating to try and buck up to me over the internet. Get a fucking life dude and stop riding this dudes dick. And stick to your lame ass pot.

man. how did you know. and ill buck up to you right here right now. i dont give a fuck. your the one that is pickin the fight you cock sucker. for once in your life. i bet if you picked a fight on the streets you would get fucked up. not mentioning what i would do to you. You fuckin pussy!:hump:


Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];935472 said:
man. how did you know. and ill buck up to you right here right now. i dont give a fuck. your the one that is pickin the fight you cock sucker. for once in your life. i bet if you picked a fight on the streets you would get fucked up. not mentioning what i would do to you. You fuckin pussy!:hump:
You realize every time you reply to my post you sound more like an idiot? How many friends do you actually have on here besides your dick riding homie? Probably not too many because you are fucking noob.

Why are you talking about fighting on the streets? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? We are talking about how fucking stupid you are doosh bag. I'm not going to get into the street thing because I've been there done that, and that has nothing to do with this discussion.

Oh yea, how was I picking the fight? I said this guy was lame cuz he let some hoe break his heart so he quit the journal - pretty fucking lame if you ask me. But your lame dick riding ass had to run your mouth! Why, cuz you ride this dudes dick for some reason. I mean, who asks someone over the internet to move in with him and shit - LMFAO!

I'm done with your retarded wigger ass. Let's let everyone else decide how dumb you are.

Smoke a dick, take a shower, and go to bed young buck.



Well-Known Member
GRNMAN-HAHA. your wasting your time man. your not gonna get people to go agianst me. not yet in this life time. stop hatin. your the one that probally blows dick. smoke a cock take one in the ass. shut your ass up and keep your mouth shut. Because im sick of what your saying. going on an on with this shit. just shut the fuck up!