SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Sweet dude, your plants are looking great
I am going to hang a copy of that one image in my OP for the plants to aspire to :mrgreen:
Keep that shit going man


Well-Known Member
Damn J, thats looking like its gonna be some good stuff! Keep them updates coming!



Well-Known Member
Hi Jason,

Thanks for stopping by my journal. Your plans are looking great. It's clear that you know a thing or two about growing. You've convinced my to try to tie my plants down the next time I grow. I'll be keeping an eye on this. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Been watching for a while, love that hashberry, awesome grow.:hump:
I gotta say, you got big balls bro:twisted:.


Active Member
nice buds dood. i used to live in seoul - been over 12 years now. graduated sis in 94 and one trip back visiting during the summer a bunch of my friends and i brought some green back from la and the uk and got busted puffin l's in my friend's ground floor apt. we got so stoned that we didn't lock the front door and po po walked right in and arrested five of us. worst month of my life! i was in the courthouse across from sampoong when the department store collapsed. be careful out there bro! and much love. 20 an l seems on the cheap side to me...


Active Member
anongihaseu!i also lived in seoul for a year in 1976 as a hs sophomore and went to seoul foreign school in yunhidong right behind yonsei university.we used to party in the woods between the schools and some cool yonsei students partied with was called happy smoke back then and $2 bought a huge ounce bag.ronin there was no seoul intl school back then just the seoul american school on the army base where we went all the time to see cheap movies and buy cheap cigs.loved hitting the bars in myungdong and hitting the girls in itaewon and we used to party on the roof of the chosun hotel.miss partying openly in the yaki mondoo restaurants!
small world!