SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Grow Day: 55
Flower Day: 30

Pretty well all fine and dandy, except that No.1 (and No.3 to a lesser) extent are still dropping some nute-deffed leaves, so I upped their nutes to 2.5ml Grow and 3.5ml Bloom per litre. Nos.8 & 10 are also starting to respond to their reduced diet with a couple of yellowing lower leaves and both were given 2ml Bloom per litre tonight; No.8 may start to get a little Grow as well soon; although I'll probably put No.10 back on water only, as I reckon tonight's feed will last her a good few days, if her behaviour so far is anything to go by.

Temps have been nice and stable, although the nights have been chilly, requiring a little tweaking of the controls. RH has improved since my "tray upgrade", although it is a bit precarious and I can't fill it right up unless it shifts and dumps water all over the place. Still, it's better than nothing and RH has been comfortably above 30%, reaching 50% a couple of times.

And here's tonight's edition of Top Of The Tops...

L to R: No.1, No.3, No.8, No.10

All developing very nicely and starting to frost up well, although No.10 still looks a tad undersized and will, I reckon be the lowest yielder

Trichs are forming quite a long way down some of the larger leaves and you can bet there'll be a very nice few grams of hash to be had from the trim, come harvest time

I gave the plants a really good tidy-up tonight, so I can leave them alone a bit. I managed to catch one branch on No.3 in the process and nearly snapped it off but was able to lash it back up with some wire and I think it will be OK

I removed all nute deffed / damaged leaves, along with several at the bottom of the plants, which weren't getting any light; this will also improve airflow. I also gave several leaves further up the branches a bit of a haircut, to allow more light down onto the lower buds. This has opened all the plants up a bit, but you can best see the effect here on No.3...

...note how there's now a "bowl shape" in the centre, where surplus foliage has been cleared. Those lower buds will fatten up mauch better now and there are still plenty of leaves to photosynthesise, including some large, old fans, which have so far been unaffected by nute probs.

Here's an individual branch tip, also on No.3...

That's probably the last big tidy-up I'll give the girls, now that we're almost halfway through flowering (how time flies when you're having fun)

Just a couple of quick shots to finish off with...

there really starting to stink now.

any opinions would be appreciated
i will update again in a few days


Well-Known Member
Excellent, i bet you'r proud of your grow ^^

excellent plants, nice crystal on the leafs ^^


Well-Known Member
Hiya Jason those look great
I was wondering if you knew where the name of your strain [HashBerry] came from?
well here is where, straight from the Mandala web site:
In the late 1980’s we were in San Francisco and ran into a middle-aged hippie, in Haight-Ashbury, the “center of the universe” during the psychedelic flower power movement. He was driving a purple van with orange-red coloured curtains and just on his way to the Rainbow Gathering. After a friendly chat he gave us a bag of seeded weed and disappeared. We rolled a joint right then and there and walked down the street. The only thing was, that we couldn’t feel our feet anymore - we were flying! From these seeded Indica buds we developed over the years the genetic base for the mother of Hashberry. She was crossed with a special male (J7) that is part of the landrace hybrids we use in our Sadhu lineage (but not identical with the parents for Sadhu). Hashberry is not only named after the unique aroma and resiny buds, but is also derived from the initials of the famous neighbourhood Haight-Ashbury where we were fortunate to collect these special Californian seeds.
cool story and by the looks of yours cool weed too.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nice grow jason bro!!
if that is a pic of u, u should take it down anyone who knows u could see it.. and then bye bye plantys.......


Well-Known Member
those are some beautiful girls man, i see how the strain gets it name, you are gonna have some great hash from this stuff


Well-Known Member
Nice crystals on them buds there Jason, looking Mighty Tasty.:bigjoint:
I like how you "tidied up " the girls, been doing some of that myself, but mine are 2-3 months behind your girls.
I am sooooo looking forward to the day mine get all dusted with crystals like yours, Yummy !!!:weed: