Well-Known Member
I lost our email please text me 5416065544I am working with a new distributor right now. Hopefully they will be available soon.
I lost our email please text me 5416065544I am working with a new distributor right now. Hopefully they will be available soon.
I can confirm Chris at SOS is opening packs and redoing them with smaller amounts. All of my beans come in packs of 6, yet when he runs low on a strain, he will open the packs and make them containing 5. He has done it over and over, to the point I will no longer supply him with my strains. If you buy a pack of Dr.Clone from him containing less than 6 beans, he has messed with it. This guy is NOT legit.
I am not calling you or Dr. Clone a liar. I believe what you say, that is why in my first post to you I said that maybe Chris has changed the way he does business but... I was simply trying to refer to the several times I purchased from him without any issues. It is goo you and the Dr. posted your messages and I appreciate the ethics of Dr. Clone removing his seeds from Chris. I saw that this was confirmed by going to the S.O.S website.
I have never grown anything from the Dr. before but I would be interested in some of his strains. Any pics to get me thinking? Right now I have about 4 more strains I want to grow from CSI after the DANK I will be chopping down very soon here. 1st on the list Urkle's Girl Girl Scot Cookies x with Purple Urkle.
Doc Clone I'm interested in your gear
Nice will try it. Hate to send check but it is what it is
You're flippin nuts broSCAMMER!...SCAMMER!..SCAMMER!..SCAMMER!!.. Thats What He Called Me... I Ordered 2 Packs Of "Dr Clones" "Kiwi Gangster"...They Were Advertised As 6 per Pack.. I ONLY GOT 5! BOTH PACKS..Scammed Me There...The Pacs said 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed...First Pac of 5 which Should Have Been 6..Nothing Not 1 Poped..Waited 9 Days Nothing..Text him.. No Response.. !3 Days Later No Response..Told Him His Website Was Wrong Their Was Not 6 Per Pack Like Advertised..He Did Change It To 5per Pack On The Website After Me Telling Him... I Tried One Pack Of The Kiwi Gangster All 5 (which Should Have Been 6)..NOTHING NOT EVEN 1 POPPED!...DID THE SECOND PACK!..Got 1 To Pop..(turned out to be a male)..Asked For A Replacement Order Cause I Only Got One To Pop Out Of 10..Gave Him A Address To Mail The Replacement Order Gave Him The Original Order Number..Thats When He Finally Replied.. Told Me I F-up Germinating Them..Yeah .I Figured That Was Coming And He'd Say That...Hey Chris U F-WAD!...Scam Me Bitch Im Gona Tell Everyone..Anyone Reads This Should Tell EVERYONE...DONT BUY SHIT FROM THIS SCAMMING F-WAD...DUDE CHRIS U F-WAD U GOT THE BREEDERS U USE TO SELL SHIT FOR PULLING THEIR SHIT CAUSE YOUR A SCAMMER BITCH..Yeah And I Really Wanted To Try Out Some Of That Dr Clone Kiwi Gangster shit Too....OH YEAH..Thought I Should Add This TOO...I DONT WORK FOR ANYONE ON THIS SHIT..I Just Want To Let People KNOW...Wonder How Many Times Hes Switched Seeds Too...F-U Chris Bitch
Barney's farm sucks imo... Read their reviews. All hit or miss reviews. Sucks too cuz I really wanted to try like 3 of their s strains...What a disappointment,
I've ordered twice from them and had good luck with there own brand of beans.
The one time I ordered something from them that wasn't s.o.s. seeds that was when I was disappointed.
Fwiw it was a Barney's farm that was a poor germ rate, 2 out of 5 popped.
So sad
I agree bro, always in breeders packs, good germ rate, great freebies and it never takes more than 3 days to get your order once they receive payment.I have been ordering from Southern Oregon Seeds for two years now. Never a problem and i always get free seeds and extra with each order. In fact they are so dependable i no longer bother with other seeds banks.
They are local and always deliver. In fact the only complaint i have heard about them is in this thread...5 seeds instead of 6 in all caps like some raging chick on her period. Lol
Dont worry about it. Southern oregon seeds is legit.
What freebies did you get? Just curious. I always get great freebs from them.I just received my first order from SOS. I paid for 2 packs of 5 seeds each but they only shipped 1 pack. Sent them an email. (Their phone went to message.) I'll post again when I see what their response is.
Yeah he's super cool. Glad to hear it worked out.3 auto Hindu Kush, a promo sample of their brand.
Great I'll try again after 3pm, thanks.
ETA - Just got an email from Chris. He apologized and said he needs to slow down and maybe get some reading glasses and he'll get the seeds out this week.
I just placed my third order. All 3 times orders have arrived within a week of me sending payment. With everything I ordered, plus free seeds. Also very quick with responding to emails, and generally helpful with answering all of my questions.
I'm not really sure what the deal is with the issue above. But I won't hesitate to order from them again.