Southern California Patients

Nice ! kinda expensive though. I have some Aliens going right now. I haven't bought weed from a clinic since last june.
Nice ! kinda expensive though. I have some Aliens going right now. I haven't bought weed from a clinic since last june.

right?! you would think that the cost of growing one strain isn't more expensive than another just because it is more potent. so why would our mandatory "donations" change? I can see if it's a super long flowering strain would cost extra in nutes and time under the light. or maybe the seeds are way more expensive. but still, it's free to take cuts! but if its medicinal value is better for a particular case, there's no reason it should be that much more. of course, the laws have been taken as a joke and mostly cater to potheads. believe me, i'm not complaining! It's just a little ridiculous is all. maybe i'm grumpy because all my local clinics have been shut down lol.
right?! you would think that the cost of growing one strain isn't more expensive than another just because it is more potent. so why would our mandatory "donations" change? I can see if it's a super long flowering strain would cost extra in nutes and time under the light. or maybe the seeds are way more expensive. but still, it's free to take cuts! but if its medicinal value is better for a particular case, there's no reason it should be that much more. of course, the laws have been taken as a joke and mostly cater to potheads. believe me, i'm not complaining! It's just a little ridiculous is all. maybe i'm grumpy because all my local clinics have been shut down lol.

Its not a perfect world.. supply in demand.. if you cant afford the best medicine .. you get generic .. thats how it goes.. If everything was the same price.. how would the growers that grew the 18 % THC meds ever be compensated if they charged the same for the 20+%. ...
there is a reason those meds tested higher then other meds .... Yes genetics play a part in a it.. a big part.. but you dont reach the highest potential of a strain unless you do everything right... which means it normally cost more to produce.. which means the clinic had to pay more to obtain it.. which means it should cost the most right?
right?! you would think that the cost of growing one strain isn't more expensive than another just because it is more potent. so why would our mandatory "donations" change? I can see if it's a super long flowering strain would cost extra in nutes and time under the light. or maybe the seeds are way more expensive. but still, it's free to take cuts! but if its medicinal value is better for a particular case, there's no reason it should be that much more. of course, the laws have been taken as a joke and mostly cater to potheads. believe me, i'm not complaining! It's just a little ridiculous is all. maybe i'm grumpy because all my local clinics have been shut down lol.

Yep all my local closed down too, that is why I made sure to go buy some clones the week b4, could care less.. I don't buy bud. Waste of money.

& IMO the idea of ppl growing other ppls weed is a joke to me as it is now. If anyone is abusing the mj laws the most here in cali it's the caregivers. They charge for bud, and keep extra bud they otherwise would not have, till they started growing for becky w/ backpain down the st. Don't get me wrong, having caregivers is nice & benefits many. But it should be more strict on who can be a care giver.

I do not think ppl who simply, want more plants, should be able to become a caregiver. because that is how it goes many times. I think patients should Have to be cancer patients, war vets.. what not.. Not your average insomniac
there is a reason those meds tested higher then other meds .... Yes genetics play a part in a it.. a big part.. but you dont reach the highest potential of a strain unless you do everything right... which means it normally cost more to produce.. which means the clinic had to pay more to obtain it.. which means it should cost the most right?

If I was a bussiness man I would want to get paid for it for sure.
heard of em but they are fuckin whoring their genetics and not releasing it to anyone i know of so i could care less about them atm. Their shit looks bomb but who cares if ya cant get it and grow it.

pm box is clear and new phone is comn soon. I wont be around much anymore here. Way too much back stabbing and fuckin weirdos trying to take advantage of people. hit me up for my email or number or somthing.

they do look bomb,i wish i had a cut lol.but liek you said if you cant have it then who cares,move on to the next bitch(breeder).

and that is the safest thing to do Kaptain,your gut feeling is telling you to be safe.and watch your back..but its not just people on this forum,its everyone in person to.
Words of wisdom here for sure !!!! and I know poor blue dream............ but damn bitch sure does taste good if done good huh ???? ;)
So funny how a guy who calls his wife his "baby's mama" like's a guys post whos trys to get a girl he doesn't even know to move to philly and he doesn't even know her hahahahahahaa you are classic !!!!!!!!!!! but yet I exercise poor judgement hehehehehe ;)