Southern California Patients


Active Member
MAN FUCK, they piss me off in the rollitup chat sometimes. I was just banned for 2 hours because I mention my cloner and user Treo is like: Man you fucking suck! Your cloner sucks Balls@ I can kick your ass at cloning with a dome. blah blah blah. So when I say shit back to him, they get all pissy lol.

Anyone feel like coming on with me later? I need some backup from some friends or this is always gonna be an issue, and Ive been a regular chat user forever.


Well-Known Member
now that would be an operation!!! i've got a 4x8 tent in the garage and it's great. perfect for diesel lol can't even tell they stink that bad


Well-Known Member
Haha I'm currently planning a large grow. Gonna start with an 8X16 area and 10 600W lights and build up from there. Stay tuned for next month.


Well-Known Member
Yay go swag hehehehehehe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehe we got a party brewing over here hahahahahahhahaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
anyone ever trimmed then with your hash fingers,eat some McDonalds fries?best flavor in the worlddd lol


Active Member
anyone ever trimmed then with your hash fingers,eat some McDonalds fries?best flavor in the worlddd lol

Omg I must try this.

You guys must use googlesketch, its amazing for trying to put a setup together correctly.