South Carolina growers read this


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South Carolina medical marijuana patients need your help now

Last update: April 9, 2009
In 2007, Sen. William Mescher (R-Berkley Co.) introduced S. 220, a compassionate bill that would allow patients with cancer, multiple sclerosis, severe pain, and other serious illnesses to use marijuana with their doctors' approvals. Sen. Mescher seemed like an unlikely sponsor of medical marijuana to many people. However, his sponsorship demonstrates the fact that treating suffering is not a partisan issue.
Sen. Mescher's first wife died of lung cancer. Her doctor said that medical marijuana might be able to help relieve her pain and suffering and allow her to enjoy the end of her life. Sen. Mescher realized that South Carolina's policy of criminalizing the seriously ill is cruel and needs to be changed.
Sadly, Sen. Mescher died of a stroke on April 8, 2007. None of his colleagues in the Senate were willing to carry the bill and it died in the Senate Committee on Medical Affairs without any additional hearings. Please take a moment to contact your state representatives now and urge them to introduce a medical marijuana bill next session.
In order to move forward with marijuana policy reform, there needs to be an open discussion about the issue throughout the state. An excellent way to get the discussion started is by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper. Please take a few minutes to craft a brief letter to the editor in support of S. 220.
You can also e-mail [email protected] for briefing papers and other assistance. Your help could be particularly useful if you are a doctor, nurse, clergy member, Ph.D., lawyer, or other influential member of your community.
It's up to you to convince your legislators that they need to pay attention and join the 13 states with sensible and compassionate medical marijuana laws. Please take action today.
Thank you for supporting the Marijuana Policy Project. Please pass this information on so that even more voices for reform can be heard. To stay updated on the status of marijuana policy reform in South Carolina, be sure to subscribe to MPP's free legislative alert service.


Well-Known Member
Typical. No one ever joins a cause without a reason. his wife died of cancer, so _now_ he has a stake in it. Its human nature in the US.


Well-Known Member
We can really use some help from all the medical and non medical users and growers in this state. To try and get this bill back up and running . North Carolina is fixing to vote on H1380 & H1383 and if they get it we all know that South Carolina wont be far behind . So please write to the state house and your local reps .
Thank you all