sourkush veg what u think??? picz!!

sourkush reg seeds
technaflora bc nutes
150 watt hps+cfls

ok so the to big ones are about a month old i toped both in the 4th node and did some bending. i also took clones from both.

the 2 smaller ones are about 2 weeks in just put in 1/2 strength nutes today looking healthy

do u think its good for them being a month let mi no any suggestionz are exepted thanxxx!!!!!



Well-Known Member
they look good but id say in pics 2 3 4 and 5 those plant need to get outta those cups!!!...a.s.a.p i mean,......unless you like rootbound plants!!...jk


Well-Known Member
ha i feel dumb...i didnt notice the containers connecting to the cups.....nice deep water ghetto grow...howd you put it disrespect intended and if you dont mind me askin bro why'd you top at the fourth node instead of the 2nd
its cool lol i just strarted in cups wen i saw roots then i just put them in the containers lol hey it works and i dont no y i cut them on the 4th i just did lol it got bushier thats what i wanted


Active Member
a lot has to do with how much room ur messin with. i can tell u keep ur lights really close because of the size of the leaves. if u have good head room i'd start to raise the lights a little higher but not by much and than everyday move it up more and more so u don't get stretch but spacing everything out that way more light penetrates, ur nugs get more light and co2 is able to flow easier through the leaves.