Sour Patch Seed Bank Sucks..... allegedly

and when will you have more galactic glue I want some of those bad?
Please email or text me. I have been asked by admin to not solicit any sales on threads in the forum. My Instagram has my contact info for you are unaware. I do have one last purple glue. The galactic is from Alpha right? If that is what you are referring to is have them now
Please email or text me. I have been asked by admin to not solicit any sales on threads in the forum. My Instagram has my contact info for you are unaware. I do have one last purple glue. The galactic is from Alpha right? If that is what you are referring to is have them now
Any idea why kasper was unloading so much of his personal seed stock? Just curious
things that make you go ........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
It's crazy that everyone wants discount seeds when there is such a huge profits potential with seeds. If you pop a pack a d find one keeper that's unique and do 1k light and get 2 lbs + per light and can get more per lb due to quality and rarity is that not worth more than $50 or $75 per pack from a trusted and talented breeder that puts thousands of dollars into the research and production of his seed lines?

Ugh. I really think this logic is convoluted. I hear this response all the time trying to justify seed prices and it annoys me.

First of all, not everyone that grows weed sells weed. Some people just grow for themselves. Some people grow for patients. Some people have no means of recovering costs, so prices matter. There are also a lot of sick folks, on fixed incomes that grow this plant to help their ailment, and every penny matters.

Second, why should someone pay any more for anything related to their grow than they have to? Would you go to a hydro shop and pay $50 for a bag of soil when another shop right up the road carries the same soil for $25 a bag? What about nutrients? Would you pay $200 for nutrients when you can get them for $100? Electricity? Has the thought ever crossed your mind to call up your electric company and ask them to start charging you double? No, you haven't, because that would be stupid.... just like it would be stupid to pay twice as much for a pack of seeds that you can find elsewhere for half the price.
Ugh. I really think this logic is convoluted. I hear this response all the time trying to justify seed prices and it annoys me.

First of all, not everyone that grows weed sells weed. Some people just grow for themselves. Some people grow for patients. Some people have no means of recovering costs, so prices matter. There are also a lot of sick folks, on fixed incomes that grow this plant to help their ailment, and every penny matters.

Second, why should someone pay any more for anything related to their grow than they have to? Would you go to a hydro shop and pay $50 for a bag of soil when another shop right up the road carries the same soil for $25 a bag? What about nutrients? Would you pay $200 for nutrients when you can get them for $100? Electricity? Has the thought ever crossed your mind to call up your electric company and ask them to start charging you double? No, you haven't, because that would be stupid.... just like it would be stupid to pay twice as much for a pack of seeds that you can find elsewhere for half the price.

nobody is putting a gun to your head...
sourpatch already stated, the prices are set from the breeders... not him...
those are the breeders wishes...

csi did not like stax selling his packs cheap.. so what happend?
stax hasnt gotten ANY new drops from csi since...

so complain to the breeders.... oh wait, you already done that too...

EDIT: since your a business owner... you should know, prices are set from the vendors...
otherwise you'll get dropped....
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Ugh. I really think this logic is convoluted. I hear this response all the time trying to justify seed prices and it annoys me.

First of all, not everyone that grows weed sells weed. Some people just grow for themselves. Some people grow for patients. Some people have no means of recovering costs, so prices matter. There are also a lot of sick folks, on fixed incomes that grow this plant to help their ailment, and every penny matters.

Second, why should someone pay any more for anything related to their grow than they have to? Would you go to a hydro shop and pay $50 for a bag of soil when another shop right up the road carries the same soil for $25 a bag? What about nutrients? Would you pay $200 for nutrients when you can get them for $100? Electricity? Has the thought ever crossed your mind to call up your electric company and ask them to start charging you double? No, you haven't, because that would be stupid.... just like it would be stupid to pay twice as much for a pack of seeds that you can find elsewhere for half the price.
True, but you are really best off breeding your own seeds it doesn't take much skill then even at $50 a pack they better have some genetics I may want to play with because $50 for 10 seeds that's still worth more than it's weight in gold. You do need to buy seeds though otherwise you only have unknown genetics to play with. So fuck it I did give away hundreds of seeds this year though.:bigjoint:
True, but you are really best off breeding your own seeds it doesn't take much skill then even at $50 a pack they better have some genetics I may want to play with because $50 for 10 seeds that's still worth more than it's weight in gold. You do need to buy seeds though otherwise you only have unknown genetics to play with. So fuck it I did give away hundreds of seeds this year though.:bigjoint:

Breeding is not as easy as it looks. You could do something that makes it better or worse but starting off with great genetics is the way to go really if trying to breed. Legalization will drop prices cus that will give all the breeders who aren't known an opportunity to get their stuff out without having to worry of jail time.
nobody is putting a gun to your head...
sourpatch already stated, the prices are set from the breeders... not him...
those are the breeders wishes...

csi did not like stax selling his packs cheap.. so what happend?
stax hasnt gotten ANY new drops from csi since...

so complain to the breeders.... oh wait, you already done that too...

Sour Patch, and every other seed bank is free to charge whatever they want. That's not the point of my post. I was responding to the "seed prices shouldn't matter because you'll make so much money selling the bud from those seeds bro" argument. It's nonsensical.
hi sourpatch I went on to instagram and I can't see any of your info it says I have to request to follow you which I did. hold that purple glue ill be sending the money today or tmw. I've heard a lot of people complain that when they order from you it says in stock on the site than you tell them you ran out of it so I just want to make sure this doesn't happen to me. thank you for your time.
I see the mention of Ocean Grown a few times in this thread, I'm curious if Ocean Grown still offers Alien Abduction. I know they have the Alien Rift but i was wondering if they still offer the Alien Abduction?
hi sourpatch I went on to instagram and I can't see any of your info it says I have to request to follow you which I did. hold that purple glue ill be sending the money today or tmw. I've heard a lot of people complain that when they order from you it says in stock on the site than you tell them you ran out of it so I just want to make sure this doesn't happen to me. thank you for your time.
The best thing you can do is call him upfront, he will check it for you, before you make any payments. I did wd paypal so my pack wont be given to someone
else if that cash ur sending him will take awhile to arrive
Brother you jumped the gun on all this. You also jumped to conclusions on numerous occasions throughout this thread. It's all documented. I may have been a bit short in my initial response to you and I apologize for that sincerely. Nobody lit a fire under my ass in the slightest. I told you I would try to find a pack after the first day we spoke if you recall. I didn't give you a final ok I got em until I had them in my hand to avoid anymore issues. You posted this stuff all very early and I have not a single other person out there posting up anything but positive experiences with me. I'm not trying to have a who has a bigger dick contest brother you win that all day. I'm just trying to bring flame to people who can't get it without my help. I appreciate what you were doing but you did it to the wrong cat. When that a all we talked down I had just been through alot of changes and lost almost my entire life but did the best I could to make everyone happy. At the end of the day I may have acted like a dick initially and I apologize for that. After all the stuff you have said through this post about me and how I run my business can't you expect at least a little friction when I finally come on here at the request of may of my customers, I have no choice but to address each and every comment about my character and company. I'm sure you understand. The problem is most people don't read the entire post. Just the title and a few key points most of them missing the fact that your order was completed and you got your preferred pack. Vader did hit up Kasper and Kasper contacted you. This is why you thought he owned sour patch. He does not but was the person who introduced me to the ocean grown crew.

I don't think there is a man out there that is gonna let people speculate publicly about his character and not take offense and respond as such. I don't feel my responses were out of line. Just the way the comments to made me feel. You have disrupted my business greatly with these misleading posts about one pack and a bunch of swap conjecture that is not true.

I do ask mail order people to provide a couple substitutions in case as mail order takes longer than cc debit or paypal.

Never stolen a thing or had an order not make it to any customer since I started this over a year ago. Not bad Imo

Jay Frost

Aka Reason
Hey brother, what you got for a mediun yi