Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

Tea H. Sea

Active Member
Welcome to my deep sea laboratory

You may call me Harry

I'm a new user, and I'm going to share with all of you my Sour Kosher grow. There isn't a whole lot of info about this new strain from DNA Genetics, so hopefully you and I will learn something new as this journal progresses. That is, after all, my intention. That and, well, it's just good fun growing the ganj!

Here's a little about me. This is my third grow. The first two, Full Moon and Auto Northern Lights haven't completed yet; they are still vegetating. Told you it would be short.

And now the grow!

The Magic Box
Really, it should call it junk box because it looks like something you'd find in the garbage. But, it does magical things. I'm growing under a 135W 6-band Blackstar LED inside a custom-made-almost-finished grow box. The box is comprised of a bottom and a top lid- both cardboard. The lid holds the Blackstar LED. Inside, the walls are masked with aluminum foil, which will probably be replaced with something more reflective and less heat absorbent. I installed 2 modified computer fans and powered by a computer power supply near the bottom of the grow box. This serves as the air intake. In the lid, is the air outtake. Eventually, I will install another computer fan in the hole. Right now, it's just a hole, and this is fine for now because it does not give off a stench. Once the last fan is in place, I will connect them to each other with insulated tubing so that the stank from the ganj circulates within itself instead of drifting outwards.

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Inside the Box
Near the intake fans, is a small AC fan. LED's do not give off much heat, but inside a small enclosed cardboard box with aluminum foil coated walls, heat can build up. The heat rises naturally-and with help of the 2 intake fans- to the outtake where it flows into an insulated tube back to the intake fans returning inside the box all nice and chill. Computer fans are quiet, and that's just great. Inside the box, is a free standing desktop fan to help circulate air within the box. It's also pretty quiet. I have a small room humidifier on its way, but until then I'm being old fashion: good 'ole evaporation from a plastic plate filled with water.

- Took only one day to germinate enough to be planted. Woot

Day 1 & 2
No change

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Day 3 October 9
She has sprouted

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Day 4 October 10

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Day 5 October 11

wait for it...

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Day 6 October 12

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Tea H. Sea

Active Member
Sour Kosher and its parents
Sour Kosher is an indica/sativa hybrid bred from Sour Diesel and Kosher Kush. It grows to a medium height and its flowering time is medium too. That's about all I know so far, and that came from The Attitude.

One thing we can do until more information is gathered is look at its parents. From this we can at least have some expectations for what we will see. Please post any info about Sour Kosher.

Sour Dieselis 90% sativa/10% indica. 80 days flowering time. It grows tall producing small buds, and has a very potent odor (FrWeedPro). It can stretch in the first 3 weeks of flowering( can reach up to 6ft indoors) (wiki). It helps with Anxiety causing the user to feel primarily Euphoric but also Uplifted, Happy, Creative, and Energetic (Leafly).

Kosher Kush is indica. 9-10 week flowering time.Grows tall. It causes the user to feel primarily Euphoric and Uplifted but also Sleepy, Happy, and Focused. Kosher Kush helps with anxiety.

... oh and it(Kosher Kush) has been blessed by a Rabbi.

Tea H. Sea

Active Member
Day 8 October 14

I forgot to post, but I was able to put the filter fan outtake together. Here it is:

Fan Filter- Outtake.png
From left to right: Fan, PCU tunnel filter, homemade filter(dryer sheets), PCU tunnel, and some cardboard to extend the tunnel (it was too short).
Next will be to connect this to the intake using an insulated tube.

If I flip the fan around, this becomes a really awesome smoke buddy; just needs a portable power supply of some sort.

Day 9 October 15

Day 9 October 15.png


i got one of these on the last promo at the tude. i ran all 3 of the promo fems and the are in wk 3.5 of flower. if you have any exact questions about this strain i will tell you what i know, just pm me. i have way to many logs going to make one for these beans as well, but i do have them so it you want to see some pics or something just halla..............cb420


these are my sour kosher....well this is i mean to say. i got this for free from the tude and when my cv gear went all male this run i popped some fems to cover my needs. i sprouted it under a t5 unit for 48 hrs and she was green and happy as soon as she was up i put her in a solo cup and under a 400mh for 8 more days. i then transplanted her into a 7 gal smart pot and vegged for 2 more days to get over the shock and off to flower. been flowering for a month now but was not mature when she went in so she grew for another week before she went into flower. i took off all the fan leaves to make her branches grow and this is what she is looking like now...............DSC00544 (2790x2093).jpgDSC00545 (2790x2093).jpgDSC00546 (2790x2093).jpgDSC00547 (2790x2093).jpg i will update these every week as long as you are cool with it. i have about 12 threads on 4 forums and i really dont have room in my life for a nother, but i can put this on here. i can only think it will help even if i mess up. cool?.....................cb420


hello brother...i was just getting to know my sour kosher a bit better and mine tells me she is a very efficient plant an she does not like or need much food at all. then i came to tell you that and i see the leaf twist that is a precursor for too much -n-. i am not sure if you have gave her anything at all yet, but i wouldnt for a while . and not any more if you have. and when you do, literally use 1/4 of what you would normally. so if you normally give a half dose only give an eight dose or a 1/4 dose at most, but thats all my own opinion. i am not too bad at growing these things and i only desire to help my friend........ttyl....cb420. i really like have another plant to judge mine from. i really wish they were closer in age, but it is still real nice for me too..........later

i personally use a super soil and molasses. not much bottle nutes if any. and i do top dress my soil with lime and seabird guano for general feeding and cal/mag. not food other then my mix and the poop......later


so....real important to us , is what soil you are using and what nute system and how often you do what to my friend

Tea H. Sea

Active Member
I've been feeding with around half of the recommended dose for seedlings about every 2 days/when the top inch of soil becomes too dry. I'll stop on the feed and see how she responds. Another thing too. The twist may be from when she shed the seed shell. The bladed leaves came out of the shell twisted and continued to stay that way. The new growth after the first bladed leaves appear normal.

The biggest problem I have is with one of my plants that I'm not documenting, Full Moon. The bottom 2 nodes of leaves have orange-brown spots, and the bottom-most set of leaves is yellow. According to a few cannabis symptom websites, it is because of one of the following: Manganese Deficiency, Molybdenum Deficiency, or less likely a Nitrogen Deficiency. Her symptoms fit best with Molybdenum Deficiency, so I adjusted the PH to correct it. Now I'm waiting to see if she gets better.

Edit: Just noticed a new symptom, the 'claw'. No i'm thinking this could be nitrogen toxicity. Time to flush the system.

Here are some pics
Dead spots.png
Lower Dead Spots
yellow leaf.png
Yellowing of lower leaves


yep it is cal/mag you use dolomite lime in the mix....if so how much....if not how big is your container? i would say that you sould hit that with some sort of liquid cal/mag at this point but only one time but i would also to dress with lime to prevent this from reoccurring brother. i am not big on ebson salts because i cant see a good reason to puposely add salt to the soil and lime is what the old farmers around here have used for 75 years. imo as is all my info my friend....cb420

and when this is fixed the part of the leaf that is affected the most will turn white and fall off and the rest will turn green again, and thats when i would remove that leaf. use it to gage the fixing of the issue and then get that ugly thing off that pretty green girlie girl....later bud.....cb420


see how the new set of leaves are turning out of the plant. kind of wierd like, thats from too much food too. its ok and not and issue. if you feed that thing just stop, like you said, and let it live off the food it has food then next 2 weeks of until you see that it needs food. it may surprize you how long it is built to grow from next to nothing. it will help you get a strong start. it is really going to take right of if you feed it nothing for a while exacpt maybe some molasses to get the army around the roots all fired up and ready to get to work....and if you have no molasses then go to the store and grab some black strap molasses or some unsulfered molasses if thats what they have and it will help you greatly if you dont use it already..........imo again.......later friend

i will post a pic tomorrow to show you where the over feeding can be seen in my plant and i will show you a comparison with the other one from the august promotion, martian kush. it is ten shades lighter green....see you tomorrow bro

Tea H. Sea

Active Member
Dolomite Lime: No, but I wanted to. I couldn't find any at the stores near me. I just switched it form a large-ish cup to a 3 gallon. I should've done this a week and a half ago, but I wasn't be able to buy a container. Funds hadn't arrived yet, lol. I may just order some online.
You think I should flush the system in the meanwhile?

I would love to see the Martian Kush. I wanted to germinate that one too, but I didn't have the space.


really i did all 3 of them if you have them all too and want to see them all go for when you do the rest i can do that bro. just let me know before i cross any lines and or offend you. i dont want to overstep my bounds, but i do love to help and make friends, but this is all i am good at and its way underground around dont flush nothing.... thats what happened, you waited to long on the transplant and didnt give her any cal/mag, so just give her some if you got some, and definately get some lime, its real cheap around here. do you have anything to add cal/mag? i hate to add salts but if its all you got its al you got, but i may pull those leaves and see if it happens to more, because it may have happened before the tranplant and just showed up late....ya, pluck those 2 bad leaves and see if it comes out on the next 2 up the stalk......cb420


right, if there is no other options defiantly use ebson as you have to get some cal/mag in there, but i only advise as a last resort and i know lots of people use it, but i am not one , nor a lot of people i know , but i have tried it before i just didnt like the amount i had to use and what it is (salt). personally, but it did not hurt my plants, but did not help them like i wanted so i went and bought some liquid stuff called cal/mag plus by botanicare and in 48 hrs the issue was solved.....thats my advice.....go to home depot and get some garden lime to put in your mix and untill you can do that substitute with a liquid may need the booster to fix the issue if it is bad, but it didnt look to bad so you might be ok just adding lime as it is still young (2 tbs for your 3 gallon container).....thats what i would do bro, but look around for other opinions , as you might find something more easily resourced and just as functional......later cb420..

Tea H. Sea

Active Member
cb420, nah you wouldn't offend me bro. If it's not a problem for you to post them, I'd love to see them. If you can do it in a PM I'd rather do that. But, if not, on here is cool too. I had to use Epsom salt since I already have it and can't get anything else. I'll definitely pick some up over the weekend