Sour diesel

Can y’all share your profiles of Sour diesel. I just finished a lot of reading on diesel. First let me share my profile as an example.

I cannot say I ever had the original diesel. I’m positive I haven’t had her in my garden. My first experience with diesel:

Smelled like if you opened a tube of tennis ball all over the background (there was discussions of this), fuel mixed with astringent. Not lemony maybe a hint more piney under the gas and the taste I always relate to dank coming out of Cali in the early 2000’s. I’m pretty sure this taste was from the unique terrior California has especially in the triangle. If you were picking up in CA around then I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. Tasted good to the stingers.

Now I wanted to mention this because reading over other threads people describe it differently. So we’re probably not all looking for the same thing. It could just be a moniker. When I ask my uncle about lineage he’ll tell me how “people just named stuff, you could almost never be sure. If it was in hightimes or got popular it would be on the menu faster then people could grow it.” So who really knows. Still, what clone would someone who’s grown them all say matches this profile? I’m not a believer any clone only is the best of anything. Seed guy I know, but genotypes are infinite. Still nostalgia hits different, I think that’s what we’re all chasing.

One of the oldest post you can find on diesel and it’s labeled ECSD, it also is spoken about as being old at this point (02/2005):

Now this one I wouldn’t expect but the post about diesel by raysputin is actually quite good. It has a description on how you’d ID an ECSD, he speaks of a bluish hue. Which lines up with the expressions in the thread above. (06/2006):

these are the oldest post on sour diesel I can find, if you can find an older one I’d love to see it. Pictures are from the fist link 05’ ECSD Sour also in this thread one member say the ECSD dates back to 1989. A low yielder by nature
Theres no way in hell Sour Diesel dates back to 1989.
This already was gone over on the top Dawg server. The poster who said it dates back to 1989 is a well respected member of the community and friend of the Top Dawg crew apparently. He even says “I think”. By this time it had already been around for about a decade. JJNYC and TFC both stated they think he just typo. Idk, I wasn’t even around in 05’. Those photos are the same cut OG Raskal acquired and no one argued this. I also think the guest are Rez and Smokey. It’s the oldest thread containing Sour Diesel I could find on the internet using multiple search functions but who knows what was lost on OG. All whimsical tales aside these act as great references for of the traits ECSD had that was used in Rezs work
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This already was gone over on the top Dawg server. The poster who said it dates back to 1989 is a well respected member of the community and friend of the Top Dawg crew apparently. He even says “I think”. By this time it had already been around for about a decade. JJNYC and TFC both stated they think he just typo. Idk, I wasn’t even around in 05’. Those photos are the same cut OG Raskal acquired and no one argued this. I also think the guest are Rez and Smokey. It’s the oldest thread containing Sour Diesel I could find on the internet using multiple search functions but who knows what was lost on OG. All whimsical tales aside these act as great references for of the traits ECSD had that was used in Rezs work
Yeah i know who Crazy Composer is. Hes just mistaken. Sour D is a 90's strain and its 100% a Chem cross. Nobody really knows for sure what the other parent was, prolly not even the guy who "bred" it.
Yeah i know who Crazy Composer is. Hes just mistaken. Sour D is a 90's strain and its 100% a Chem cross. Nobody really knows for sure what the other parent was, prolly not even the guy who "bred" it.
yeah it should be useful for anyone messing with diesel lines in Seed (hunting relative phenotypes) or ECSD for ID purposes. I have similar write ups on Banana Kush and Lorans Longbottom leaf around here somewhere.
As in Soma’s?
no I believe his is just a sour diesel pheno based on his description; "The NYC Diesel has its roots in the Big Apple, a friend brought the seeds and said that it was the best pot he ever smoked, he had dreads down to the ground so I believed him. This Cannabis tastes and smells like Ripe Red Grapefruits, once you touch the fresh buds you can’t smell the other strains in your room or garden. " but idk

diesel/sour diesel is always difficult for me because I know what I know from reading but I know what I know from growing up in and around NY and they often times conflict with each other..

for me I want to say 98-04, maybe even past 04 but that was when I started branching out much more.. I lived 30 minutes upstate but in NYC I would have available to me what came in hard colored see through plastic containers and was as the story commonly goes smelly enough that people in the next room knew you had arrived regardless how you bagged it..

both sour diesel and what was called nyc diesel were available, the difference in the two was sour diesel had some citrus at the end of the exhale somewhere between grapefruit to lemony, it wasn't the primary flavor but it was the distinguishing factor between the two, diesel was all gas no fruit the sour seemed more uplifting get up and go kind of smoke, heavy high but motivated (kind of haze like) and the diesel seemed more knock your ass out.. sour if I remember correctly was also a brighter green and diesel was usually darker

from reading in 'modern times' I do often wonder if what was being called nyc diesel was what I hear stories now that "anything good in ny was being called diesel" but I never heard that back then only over the past few years, everything I remember had it's own