Sour Diesel Seeds

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
I can honestly say for a plant that was chopped so Early what I did have to smoke was pure fire! I got a pic some where in the thousands of pics I got of the hermied gal, it was a full blown cluster of male sacs not even the off few nanners here and there....
It defintelty got me curious enough to even want to attempt again as I am CONFIDENT if I can find one that don't Hermie on me or if it does very little than it will be worth it!
Maybe try again and run her in a small part and let her veg for a while first maybe will help cut
Down chances of it going Hermie on me?
You got. Journal dr gruber of the ones you grew out? Would love to check it out.... first journal ever..

By the way....the plant that threw the early male pods was the very one i kept as a mother and it never threw another nanner on successive grows.

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member first journal ever..

By the way....the plant that threw the early male pods was the very one i kept as a mother and it never threw another nanner on successive grows.
That is very interesting Dr. I was wondering do you think it was environment, nutes, or just needed some more time to mature?

I am curious as to why plants hermie and it would be awesome to know what factor to fix in order to keep from getting more of them.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
That is very interesting Dr. I was wondering do you think it was environment, nutes, or just needed some more time to mature?

I am curious as to why plants hermie and it would be awesome to know what factor to fix in order to keep from getting more of them.

I should have mentioned this....
When i did that grow my flower room was made from Panda plastic tacked to a make shift frame. It lasted for the first grow and then started falling apart during the ECSD grow. I was oblivious to it until the plastic was practically drooping down on my head. I had enough light in the room during dark times that it looked like way more then a full moon shining in there.

I also over nuted them and stressed them a bit that way as well...

I chalked it up to beginner error and tried harder the next time.


Well-Known Member
So, my curiosity lies in.....Did we ever answer the question of the OP? 4 pages of childish arguing and bickering, led to a fall off of the thread. This is sad to see in a forum where we are trying to invite new members and offer solid, legitimate information to growers of all levels.
So, is it safe to say, now, after 2 years from the OP posting this, that Dr. Greenthumb is the best place to order the truest Sour D seeds?Or is it a toss up between Dr. GT, Humboldt County, and Reserva Privada???

Why cant some people just agree to disagree and move on???.....

Pass it Around

Well-Known Member
So, my curiosity lies in.....Did we ever answer the question of the OP? 4 pages of childish arguing and bickering, led to a fall off of the thread. This is sad to see in a forum where we are trying to invite new members and offer solid, legitimate information to growers of all levels.
So, is it safe to say, now, after 2 years from the OP posting this, that Dr. Greenthumb is the best place to order the truest Sour D seeds?Or is it a toss up between Dr. GT, Humboldt County, and Reserva Privada???

Why cant some people just agree to disagree and move on???.....
I think you have answered your own question


Well-Known Member
bugger original, i want the dankest, stankiest sour D, with a racing mind high.... fem'd....