Sour Diesel - help with lights


Well-Known Member
DSC_3276.jpgI went down far enough to get it a few inches from the light even towards the top of the plant the stems are thick on these ladies.
I took a pic of the bend last night..


Active Member
So I snap the necks that need it, but where do I tie it to? Do i keep it at an optimal angle to the light of at a 90 degree angle once snapped and tied?


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and tied mined at the 90 to hold if firm and then came out along the branch to where I believed it was going to be bare and went down with a tie to hold it roughly at 90 degrees. Ofcourse the end will rise as much as it can, I took some new pics last night I"m going to post when I get alittle time to move them off the camera. I use a Jute string which is 7lbs test designed for tomatoes and other garden veggies. Within the cabinet I noticed I could tie directly to the sides with a piece of duct tape, ofcourse I'll have to clean glue residue off, but I have a natural cleaner that takes it right of the epoxy white finish on the inside of the cabinet. THe downward ties can hit the net pot if it is large enough and the plant is large enough but I was just going to to the sides of the tote and placing my tie down under a piece of ducttape so that I can move it around later.
In my veg cabinet where I am LST a mom in dirt I drilled holes all around the edge of the pot for tiedowns and had concidered drilling a few holes in the lip of the flowering container to tie to. Only prob I"m having now is that I can't tie to the front because of the door :)