Sour Diesel - help with lights


Active Member
The lights in the grow tent are to close. Can the plant still be topped ( already been topped around week 5 of vegging) again without harming it?

Week 2 of budding will be complete tomorrow. Only problem is, that the plant will probably stretch a bit higher but the lights cannot lift any higher because of the height of the tent. That is a 150w High Pressure Sodium.

Is it possible to cut the plant to relieve space for more growth. Is there any other solutions to this current problem I have? Can you guys please through some suggestions out there.


Well-Known Member
Don't cut.....just snap the stem over where you think you would cut.No point in losing bud.You may have to put a string or somthing to hold the brken top down as it will slowly start to come back up.

Search for supercropping.


Active Member
ok well the plant was topped in vegging so there is 2 main colas now. Do I "super crop" both main colas or can it be done to all the points that need to be lowered (just as you mentioned)? Also, the plants lower leaves (including fans) are looking very weak a droopy. Is it to late to "lollipop" the plant and cut some of those bottom branches off??

Thanks Dankster4life - please help me out


Active Member
I have some og fire which grows similar to SD, i run it with some shorter indica plants so I usually just tie the stems horizontally and then the flowers with grow up from that. My fire is actually shorter than my others with the tie. Supercropping will work too if you don't mind snapping the stems but it isn't necessary. I wouldn't recommend snapping them if you are a rookie, although supercropping is a more professional solution. Your stretch should be about done by now, also make sure you are using bloom nutes now as high N can cause the stretch to prolong a little longer.
You can lollipop till 2nd or 3rd week, its a debatable point as to time and whether to only cut the shoots and leave the fans or to strip the plant completely 1/3 way up. If your leaves are droopy, its either it needs water or the light isn't getting down there. Hard to say without pics. If its water, it will only take a few hours after watering it for them to perk up. If its not that, its probably just dark down there.
peronally i lollipop on day 3 and then again on day 14 cutting all small shoots and about half the fan leaves 1/3 of the way up.
And no, do not top them after your turned the lights......bending, tying, snapping, twisting all cutting though.


Active Member
Thanks alot for the help and yes pics will be posted asap so you can help me hout Samchesser THANKS!


Well-Known Member
Lol...not bein a dicky dick......kinda need pics of the entire space,to see exactly whats up.Need to be able to see your light,atleast the very bottom edge.Just back dat ass up a bit and.....snap..snap

That isn't from the hps homie.


Well-Known Member
Tight squeeze in there,got that thing filled up to the max.

I am not familiar with SD or her stretch.But with you bein 2 weeks in i wouldn't think she has much more to go.Who is the breeder?

You do have an advantage with the 150 being able to keep a plant fairly you have good ventilation and what kind of temps you have?


Active Member
No i do not know who the breeder is. The seeds were givin by a unknown breeder but it was said to be Sour Diesel. during light times, the temperature wont go over 83 and light off stages it drops to about 75. And theres a 6 in axial fan at the top. about every 3 hours or so during the light on times, the tent is opened and a fan is pointed at it to ventilate it as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Is that 83 right at the top of your plant?That is the area you need to worry about.

If you do snap it you won't need to do much....About the top 3-5 inches at most would be okay.Another thing is you have a few shoots....i would only do 2 or 3at a time.Don't want to stress her to hard.

Honestly bro if it were me i'd kinda wait it out and try to tie things over,down,across what ever.If she does stretch she will need her necks broken.

It would probably help her out some if you cleaned up the bottom some,cutting off any small shoots.Bout the bottom 6-8 inches or so.


Active Member
that light isn't cooled so try blowing a fan across the top to lower the temp at the tops of the plants
and then just bend them lower, you're not gonna hurt it


Active Member
Sounds good. Ill try to bend her and if it doesnt work, like you said, Ill snap her neck and tie it to another branch. Thanks so much for the help guys. Ill def let you know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget to clean up the bottom.Won't mount to much any way and it'll get you some more air flow under her skirt.


Active Member
damn man, major problem occurred while feeding her. Tried bending it a little and the main stem snapped where it splits off into two main stems. Hopefully she can recover. It was zip tied together to hold her together. Has this ever happened to anyone?


Well-Known Member
I had similar problem this grow and have resulted in being able to tie some of them over but had to 'snap' a few due to the sheer size of the stem. That little stuff moves around all day long get up around a kindergarden pencil and it doesn't have much 'bend' in it.

I have also split the stalk higher up on the main cola on my very first grow getting over zelous when examining her ;) I put a zip tie around her immediately and within the week she was closed up and I snipped the tie off when I notice it was bulging on both sides.

My cabinet is also overflowing, this is only my second grow, and I noticed if you don't trim the lower stuff off what isn't getting adequate light will wilt and die off anyways so you might as well take it earlier to put the plants energy elsewhere. Little bit here little bit there equals less stress...

My overflow in in my sig below..


Active Member
how did it snap so far down? the tops should be somewhat flexible. tying it together should be fine, it'll just bulge up like the previous poster said.