Sounds in the sky? anyone hear this $#@?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Theowl! I saw you so I popped thread. I'm open to everything, there's been a knowledge lost a long long ago that when returns will blow everyones minds. Listened to some of the vids, the one with the two dudes in Colorado were gunshots though.

How's it going Tip Top, long time brother

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Howdy HC, i'm good i guess, just lurking around here there and eveywhere staying quiet for the most part. common sense would say keep track of just a couple of thread, but my mind sais you can't keep track of em all so keep track of none :D I'm quite quite useless. BSB/Casey is about ready, i can harvest it any day from now really, not the bigget yielder this plant/pheno, but damn what a smell! :) Don't think it's the 1lb plant i'd have liked but it should be enough :D

Here's a thought for you people. Would you like me to mention another crazy phenomena found all over the internet and youtube from many places around the world....crop circles..guess what, they ent real :D jut a couple of dudes with a piece of wood and some rope.


Active Member
How could it be a hoax?


There probably hundreds of thousands of people in this country with garage bands, and $0 to their name that own the equipment to blast sounds of that quality, and that exact tone and everything, at a VERY high volume.
and a clan of worldwide garage bands that are creating a new era of music where they try to imitate the sounds of extra terrestrial teleportation devices?
haha I'm just kidding, but isn't it more fun to believe in the ladder? ;)


yeah sadly the canadian video was apparently a hoax, that and the kiev one have exactly the same soundtrack, with the same birds singing.

that's not to say there isn't any real ones, of which i've seen quite a few, but they are not as dramatic as the original one posted. Some of the more genuine ones are more like a low hum.
