sound vibration

Mythbusters has an episode about this.

20 % increase in growth, surprising what music had the best results.
great.. i seen the biowave did a search on rui and now i'm here... no way in hell i'm paying $1700 for a biowave.. already blew my load on SG's 1200watt dingle berry of a LED light while i was all high on my pain meds.. but now that i've read this.. i'm sure i'll be putting a shitty stereo on timer in my bloom room... bach it is..
binaural beats. want your plants to stop smoking? play the stop smoking binaural beat. want your plant to lose weight?? :/
play the losing weight binaural beat!
The only problem I'm having is getting the plants to wear the fucking headphones.
and also I talked to a guy that knows a guy that runs a biowave and he says they do not bullshit.
It occurs to me that playing forest sounds would make more sense than Bach. If this even worked to begin with, that is.