Sound control needed for filter


Active Member
Well, I've got insulation now in walls. I have inline fan insulated. I have exhaust pumping out house. The issue- I can go into upstairs bathroom and hear noise. I have located the loudest now coming from filter suction. It actually is the only place the fan noise is mostly heard along with a suction sound. Any way to muffle a carbon filter? I even added refectix insulation on top of r 13 insulation I put between grow room in bathroom. If I can get this, I am good. I know if I lowered the filter near floor it would help but I do not think that is best place for filter due to not pulling out heat as much, I suppose.

brotes grandes

Active Member
I switched to a heavier expensive 3 ply ducting and combined with a silencer for my fan and I think noise overall dropped around 25%. Also a fan speed controller will drop noise a bit plus lowers work on your fan. GL


Active Member
^ yea a speed controller is what I use to reduce the sound of that fan. I got one for around $16 or 18 on Amazon. I think if you adjust the controller too often it'll burn out the fan, so I rarely touch it. Enough shit stops working without me messing with it.
you can stuff a towel in the hose but it blocks airflow quite abit. Someone told me to try this and I did it worked but reduced airflow
LOL! This isn't even a good redneck solution. It's a HORRIBLE solution for the reason herbalistfarmer12345 mentioned - it blocks airflow. You're better off going with a speed controller:

and/or a duct muffler:

and/or insulated ductwork:

Good luck!