"Sorry we missed you" notice. Slightly sketched out...


Not even sure if this would be the right forum but this isn't a review so oh well...

So I just got home to find a "Sorry We Missed You" notification from the post office in my box instead of my seeds... Needless to say I'm slightly sketched out and contemplating refusing the package and taking the loss.

It's a small order from Herbies and only worth $60. As far as I know I didn't request any kind of delivery confirmation so I'm slightly concerned on why the post office wants me to accept the package. It did sit in customs for 3 days where as usually my packages are in and out within a day. All of my other seed orders have just been left in the box, no questions asked and all made it through customs intact. However this is the first time I've done business with Herbies, is this normal for their orders?

Most likely it's nothing to worry about, and I'm just being paranoid but still...

I think I'm going to head up the post office and see what's up. I'll refuse the package if it has the customs tape on it or shit looks sketch. All the while keeping my friend a shout away just in case.

Has this ever happened to anyone? Thoughts? Suggestions? Post office closes in an hour so I'll update this when I get back.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the package is bigger than your box? Sometimes they leave a slip instead of the package if it's too big to fit in the box.


Well-Known Member
I got a Herbies order about a month ago and did not have to sign. Still, I wouldn't think they would get USPS in on a sting and can't imagine doing anything at all for a small seed purchase. I don't know what I'd do...


Well-Known Member
Just be home tomorrow when they come, and if they want a signature, decline it. Otherwise, meet him at the door and take it.

That's probably what I'd do, to be safe.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
seems like i read recently on Herbies website that their seeds require signature on deliveries in Europe. recently i received seeds from Herbies but i'm in the US where Herbies says signatures are not required here. GL


Paranoia. I bet he posts that he's home and happier than hell.
Most definitely hahaha.

All is good, order intact and all. Apparently the post man mistook the multiple "No Sig Required" signs on the package for sig required... I don't even. Whatever though, shit happens. Now I get to go re-organize all of the shit I threw in trash bags prepping for a possible dumpster run. And of course smoke a blunt with my boy for being on the ready with damage control. Embarrassing, but better safe than sorry I suppose.

I can't wait for the day when I don't have to be tweaking out looking over my shoulder all because of my hobby grow. Thanks for the responses everyone.


Well-Known Member
The very first order I got was from Herbies, and I got the same thing. I overcame my paranoia and went down to the post office to pick it up, not a single issue. I've ordered twice since then, both were put in my mailbox. Not sure what was going on the first time.