sorry to ask... brown spots


newb grower. single seedling under 100W 6400K cfl 24/0 cycle.
originally had the girl (i hope) on an 18/6, but after a few days decided to see what full time light might do. anyway, no nutes yet, just water and potting soil, and two weeks in and im noticing a little bit of browning on the tips and edges of the leaves. the second set of spiked leaves are just coming in, but the lower leaves are also starting to show spots. any ideas?


Well-Known Member
lots of ideas actually... here they are

1.) Moisture Issue: if the light is too close to the plant it will draw moisture from the leaves, drying them out.
Solution: If temps are too high make sure to use a fan to push the air around your grow room, also use a
an extra fan in your grow room to exhaust the air being pushed around by the other fan. Another
way to keep the moisture in the grow room is to place a cereal bowl filled halfway up with pH
balanced water(6.3 - 6.8). When the room gets dry the water will evaporate into the air and onto
your plants leaves.
2.) Under-Watering: The plants leaves may show signs of cell damage with brown spots if the plant isnt recieving
the proper amount of water to feed itself.
Solution: Go to your local garden shop/hardware store and buy a moisture wand. It will be much easier to
determine when your plants need water and when they dont! This is of major importance to the plants
health. It will also help to determine the plants feeding schedule. Also it will prevent you from watering
too much as well as too little. They cost about $15
3.) Using Too Many Nutrients: If you arent sure of the proper dosage of nutrients to water then the possibility of
nute burning your plants is very high. A huge beginner mistake!
Solution: Don't feed your plants any nutrients or plant-food untill at least 4 weeks into the veg cycle. When you
do feed your plants nutrients/fertilizers/plant-food make sure you DO NOT follow the dosage instructions
on the package! The instructions are given based on a variety of different plants, not marijuana. Begin
feeding with 1/3 the amount that the instructions tell you. Gradually over time increase the dosage.
One more good rule of thumb for feeding your plants is this... for the veg cycle, use Tomato Plant Food, for
the flower cycle use Rose Plant Food.
Soil w/ Plant Food: If you are using a soil bought from a garden shop/home improvement store that has time-release
plant food like Miracle Grow, Scott's, etc. it is a smart idea not to start your plants off with this medium.
These soils contain food(nutrients) for the plants and when Marijuana is in its seedling cycle(the first of
its life it is detrimental not to give your plants any nutrients. Marijuana at such a young age will get
burned easily from these "Time-Release" nutrients.
Solution: Purchase a pre-mixed soil medium from a store that is a seed starting soil. If this is not available to you then
there are other options available to you such as, peat pods or rockwool. Peat pods and rockwool are great for
the simple reason they contain absolutely no nutrients/plant-food. Once your plant has a decent-sized &
healthy root system, then you can transplant the seedling into your soil-mix such as Miracle Grow, Scott's, etc..
Nitrogen Defficiency: Your plant requires Nitrogen(N) in the veg cycle for healthy, new leaf and stem development. The way
tell if your plant is lacking Nitrogen is the tips on the very bottom set of Sun Leaves will get yellow
tips and over time will proceed to turn the rest of the Sun Leaves yellow until they dry-up and fall off.
Solution: Use Fish Emulsion(purchased at a local fish/pet store) this works as an incredible fertilizer for the plants veg
cycle. Another Nitrogen supplement is Blood Meal/Worm Castings(Worm Shit) or Bat Guano(Bat Shit). Only use
1/3 of the recommended dosage when mixing these nutes into the soil.

those are a few of my ideas but of course I'd need pictures and a little more info to properly diagnose your problem! post em and i'll let you know! good luck!


well no nutes yet, so its not that... i suppose it could be telling me it wants some... but im not sure.
the cfl never touched the leaves, and i thought theyre not supposed to get too hot, and i have a fan circulating the air, and exhausting the room. the only other odd thing is that the new set of spiked leaves are pointing straight up toward the bulb.
im pretty sure the watering is ok, its only been watered once every other day or so... when the soil looks dry.
maybe i should give it a low npk?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
when you drops still on the leaves? the droplets can act as a magnifying glass and make the lights more intense,burning the foilage...I also had a similar prob. till I figured it out..if thats the case, water half hour before lights go on or right before lights go off...alohas brah!!


Active Member
You might want to consider going back to 18/6 atleast until flowering. Root growth peaks after 16-18 hours, and seeing you have brown spots. Why not go 18/6? I also did 24/0 for 2 days and did not see much growth. I later switched to 18/6 and could see significant growth.

Also check your temps and the distance between the plant and the light.

good luck man