Sopa getting passed tomorrow!!!!


Well-Known Member
You Americans and your "freedom" lol

p.s learn to vote before you all flood to Canada or you will just repeat all the mistakes here too


Well-Known Member do you know it'll pass? It gives the gov't more power. Everything that gives the gov't more power over the past 20 years have passed. The people have become too stupid to realize the danger in relinquishing power and rights to the state.


Well-Known Member do you know it'll pass? It gives the gov't more power. Everything that gives the gov't more power over the past 20 years have passed. The people have become too stupid to realize the danger in relinquishing power and rights to the state.
Haha, I guess we find out tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Proxy servers thru the corrupt continents, problem solved. Neosapien aka the modern-day-cyberspace-robin-hood lives on. You can take away my IP but you can never take away my FREEDOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Bad choice! The UK is even worse on civil liberties than the US. Move to Canada.

Everytime I visit Canada i love it, friendly people. I wish the U.S had some sort of health care for people that dont have jobs, $400 a month for insurance is killing me!!!