Soothe a newbie's nerves

Tj O'Hara


Bought some seeds from Attitude (blueberry fems) and am having somewhat of a nervous breakdown, seeds cracked overnight so proceeded to pot them (soil - 50% all purpose compost, 20% perlite, 15% nitrate heavy fertiliser, 15% phos/k) and it's now day 5, temperature's been a little low - 18 degrees celsius (in soil) - but have 2 600w lights on to keep the heat up (around 24-25 degrees in soil) been watering them if they go a little dry but not letting them dry out completely until they sprout, which is what i'm worrying about, will they sprout? doing any major no-no's? any help would be appreciated, hopefully i'm just overly anxious - sorry bout the temperatures in celsius​


Well-Known Member
uh... i would be worried if i were you. you put nitrogen heavy fertilizer in with your new seeds? you are going to burn the shit out of them. i would check those tap roots if i were you and maybe get them out. i germ my seeds in coir... and coir only. no nutes. i don't usually give any sort of nutrient to the plant until about week 3 or 4. i hope they are ok, bro. :peace:

Tj O'Hara

shit thanks man, it said on the box that it wont soak into the soil until 2 weeks after the first water, if that's a silver lining, really think i should get them out? if so how so as to damage them as little as possible - or - are they really gonna be fucked or is there a chance they'll pull through


Well-Known Member
i would just get them out and put them into a neutral medium like coir or peat. they should be all right if you get them out soon. be careful not to damage the root tip. good luck. :peace:

Tj O'Hara

isnt peat really acidic though? and if the fertiliser doesnt soak in for a couple of weeks and all thats in there is some 5-5 p/k (not much of it) is it really going to do that much damage?

Tj O'Hara

Any second opinions would be much appreciated, i don't doubt you stopcallingmedud, just i want to get a general agreement before i move my babies


Well-Known Member
i dont think fertilizing them this early is any good either... id knock the first layer of dirt off use tweezers to snag them out and put them in a medium with out any fertilizers..none for a good month. in the future id use a 20dollar heat mat if temps are too low to germ instead fo 2 600watters..thats just overkill/unessary. for good germ rates in cold wheather the heat mat..and saran wrap over ea. lil potter ..a litte spray here and there..and wrap em back up..and watch the humity gather at the top. best way ive found up in a day no pre germing in towels. i barely put them 1/8 down... 2-3 days there up.

Tj O'Hara

how big should the containers be that i put them in? as in, how big will they (hopefully) get before i can stick them back in?

Tj O'Hara

just dug around, out of 7 seeds (5 blueberry, 1 california hash and 1 blue hash) i found 3 BB, and the CA hash, you guys were right. they were about to push through, so i guess the end isn't nigh, putting them into cups with 50% compost 50% perlite, that'd be alright, right?

thanks for all the help and saving some innocent young ladies from an untimely death

edit: should i wait for them to push through (tomorrow) before transplanting to cups? they're already delicate, i don't want to kill them :(


Well-Known Member
i dont follow ..if u dug them out and put them in new containers. . . arent they transplanted? are u talkiing about the 1's u couldnt find... Ya if u cant find them let them pop up and then move them to a new soil mix to avoid burning the shit out of em. Other than that u should be able to let the fill out those containers over the next few weeks. the biggest mistakes people make with there beans unfortunatley is handling them too much..and overwatering..over babying them..once ur fert thing is solved.. and there up leave em alone for the most part..and dont over water! let the little roots search for water.. a light misting over a heavy watering for first few weeks.

Tj O'Hara

thank you again tilemaster, sorry i wasn't clear, i meant i am going to transplant them, they're waiting right now, when can i move them back in to my original pots? week 4 or so?


Well-Known Member
ya no worrys i hope it all comes out well... idk how stressful it can be if ur beans cost alot of $$...generally tho i think if u sprout again u should invest in a seedling heat mat..if u can plug that in somewhere where its nice a 60-70 degrees you should get crazy germ just sowing the seeds in to non fertilized soil...(i reccommend fox farm..or sunshine..mixed with perlite.) , and spraying them with a mister and covering with saranwrap..i seriously stand by this simple nutes for a full month.. very few waterings for the first few weeks..this regiment works best. Hope your babies come thro for u bro ...let me know