***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

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It's really not that hard to change one nunber on your schedule. I believe it says on their website that it doesn't change for dst.
you did not read. The sonoff can not access the network. I know how to change the time DUH are you looking for an argument with me or something? Do you think I do not know how to change the time on a sonoff? just WOW! arrogant thinking. Deep breath and exhale. Everyone is NOT an idiot and can do thing without your instruction. Surprise!
you did not read. The sonoff can not access the network. I know how to change the time DUH are you looking for an argument with me or something? Do you think I do not know how to change the time on a sonoff? just WOW! arrogant thinking. Deep breath and exhale. Everyone is NOT an idiot and can do thing without your instruction. Surprise!
You're the one crying over your shit not changing for DST. But I can see you can't make a proper sentence. Maybe you need instructions for it. Surprise.... there's always one asshole in the group.
You're the one crying over your shit not changing for DST. But I can see you can't make a proper sentence. Maybe you need instructions for it. Surprise.... there's always one asshole in the group.

You do realize you need network connection to change your schedule right.. ?
You do realize you need network connection to change your schedule right.. ?
You do realize most people use smartphones.... which can be made a hotspot. Connect, change, go about your day. You DO NOT NEED HOME INTERNET if you have a smart phone. So I find his crying pointless. I mean if he so super smart with his smartass post. Then he should've known. A smartphone can be tethered as a hotspot which then makes the phone an access point that the sonoff can connect to. And change whatever values you would like. I wasn't an ass to him. Until his crybaby post. Of course he got his panties bunches up and put the sonoff down bc it doesn't work. Bc of Wi-Fi.
I suspected that might be your issue - that's why I asked about it in the other thread.

What's crazy is that nothing burnt up. I NVR dreamed the part woukd have a wrong schematic. But it's all good now. I appreciate the help. Your post is what made me look at it again.
Gotta question, just purchased a Sonoff 4ch. Was wondering if I wire 1 power cord in, 4 power cords out and hook up 4 HLG drivers (240h-c2100ma) 1 driver to each relay, should be ok? Was mostly worried about inrush current. As long as I schedule them to turn on and turn off 1 or so minutes apart? I'm on 20amp breaker in the room, just want to make sure I'm not doing something stupid. Thanks.
Gotta question, just purchased a Sonoff 4ch. Was wondering if I wire 1 power cord in, 4 power cords out and hook up 4 HLG drivers (240h-c2100ma) 1 driver to each relay, should be ok? Was mostly worried about inrush current. As long as I schedule them to turn on and turn off 1 or so minutes apart? I'm on 20amp breaker in the room, just want to make sure I'm not doing something stupid. Thanks.
I believe the 4ch can handle 3200 watts. I think depending on what your running from the plugs in. But you could prob do two and two on a time. I have 2ch and have over 400 watts of lighting 2 drivers plus 10 40mm fans kick on. Plus two fans in the tent. And don' have any problems.
Each channel has its own 10A relay so 4x 10A like mentioned in one of my other posts.
I would switch the channels on one after another, a one minute interval is the smallest thing you can set.
Maybe a bit exaggerated, but on the safe side...
  • Power Supply: 90V~250V AC(50/60Hz)
  • Max. Current: 10A/gang
  • Max. Power:2200W/gang, 2200W/Total
That's direct from Itead.cc
The 4CH(R2).
Thanks for replies, guess I couldve looked it up in first place. :dunce:
I don't even need to "show ignored content" to know who's on the other end of this.

Some turds just wont flush.

You're the one crying over your shit not changing for DST. But I can see you can't make a proper sentence. Maybe you need instructions for it. Surprise.... there's always one asshole in the group.
Yeah buddy...still tent growing....AND still eating pengiuns and riding majestically over icebergz on polar bearz... :D

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Haha, Yeah! Finally the resettlement has started!
In fact, resettling the polar bears to the south pole would be a good thing, the north pole is melted off in a few years anyways and the south pole should at least last a decade longer.
Well sonoffs have arrived then , i think ive bought too many haha

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I ordered a bunch of them. I found 10 packs for 30 bucks on amazon. So I got two 10 packs. My entire house runs on these now. My ol lady loves it. Especially when the kids tv's are left on their rooms when they fall asleep. We don't have to go in there chancing waking them up to turn stuff off.