Well nice to log on here at my new home, hey Skunk Munkie my main man cheers and hope your high as a kite mate,thanks for the kind words and good advice and hey welcome to my diary HotPhyre bro good to have you on board too,to your question i do not feed in veg well very rarely,only when potting up i use a drop of maxicrop seaweed oh and rootgrow and seers rockdust 3 very important ingredients brilliant when usiong compost i use allmix and bnq mp in purple bag,im using a new granular feed a homie put me onto 1`st grow using it and its awesome no need for either of bio bizzs fish or bloom,its called Valagro its made by maxicriop,contains, yucca/maize/alfafa,seaweed its sposed to be organik,but my plants look so healthy no tip burn,yeah S.Munkie like you mate i hate fanboys and 420 is full of them il not be over there again,bunch of hermiies thats for sure,and hey bro we have a good lot in common for sure except the taste of musik

but mate we are true strain hunters whats the point in sticking to the norm !! no way never quack like all the little ducks all sounding the same,well 420 is,yeah i had me eyes on the Stormy white cough and the AKGenes im buying as soon as in stock will be keeping eyes peeled but im sure il get the heads up from you mate

,as we both like proper

no mistaking that,well i have a nice few pics from when i was looking after my girls earlier on today or yday

,sorry about there names il post pics in the update tomorrow of whats what,but i will say the Sour OG and Kandy Kush and Sour Cream are looking fantastic cant fooking wait to have these jarred up and be stoned outta my box yis know i love being smashed from eyes open in the morning well when i wake up its to the shitroom

now thats some dank fire pmsl,then downstairs takes me bout 45mins to come around then its out with large skins roll a phat one them im a verry happy man,its great,

im gonna have to learn to use this up to date sight being using a old fahioned board at other forum,nasty people thing bout it is they think there all nice spiritual people now thats a laugh,its full of bad minded

kiss-asskiss-assasskissing fanladyboys,,
well thats all till my next update tomorow night
