somthing wrong plese help

Think difrent

New Member
medium coco perlit 5o /50 ratio
nutes canna coco a b
water in 20c ph 5.5 to 6.0 ppm 650
run off ph 6.3 to 6.6 ppm 280
temp. 25c to 26.5c day. night 20.5c to 23c
plants 9days old from seed (rqs auto nl)
spraying with rizotonik laast 9 days
tnx very much evry body for the help
and sory for my eanglish i am from slovenia
tnx agen


Well-Known Member
Those light green blotches look a lot like pics of root rot symptoms I have seen. Never delt with root rot myself though.
I also don't grow in coco, I was going to suggest keeping the soil/medium less moist but I have read that is not a good idea in coco. I would wait for a response from an experienced coco grower. Obviously, could be something else but that is the first thing I thought.

Think difrent

New Member
cant have rot rot they get water every 2 or thre deys in this stage they are in 18l pots think it to ther is constntly 25 26 c and the plant direct under the light dosnt shov eny simptoms ther are no bloches the plant is wet on the photo and i think the light isnt strong enuf 400w mh in a 120 x 120cm tent i use 600w hps in flowering

Think difrent

New Member
i dont have a cfl that is my 4th grow this way in this tent but i have a new pis of shit reflector now its a air coled sputnik i never had any problems under a adyust a wing and the light intensety is stronger there but it makes the tent to hot when i put in the 600w plese dont write if you dont now what is wrong thenk you wery much
it is a ph or humidity isue i have a ultrasound humidifire i vod ned to put in distild or ro water but i dont have it that much 5l a day ther is saome white dust coming from it meybi it cloget the stomata a frend told me to make foliar spreys with distiled water thet its beter and thet i dont ned to ph my rizotonik sprey thet i did and now this is hapening and he dosent know what is going on for the lest day i sprayd them like that the last thre or four days i wil kill him if my yild wil be afected haha


Well-Known Member
lol dude you're right. I don't know. Only you know.. And only you can figure it out and fix it but since you're on here asking for help i figured i'd put in my two cents.

I'll tell ya what i do know though. Baby plants dont need nor like 400watts in their face at 15cm or whatever. Also you can buy however many dozen products that are out there but they wont make you a better gardener. And your plants dont need them. But keep on living in your fantasy and blaming the humidity. Heh.

And also if you could try and make your posts more coherent, it might encourage more replies.

good luck


Well-Known Member
cant have rot rot they get water every 2 or thre deys in this stage they are in 18l pots think it to ther is constntly 25 26 c and the plant direct under the light dosnt shov eny simptoms ther are no bloches the plant is wet on the photo and i think the light isnt strong enuf 400w mh in a 120 x 120cm tent i use 600w hps in flowering
Yeah, I see it is water now. I was looking at it on my phone before, it wasn't as clear.

I agree with BUDS on this one. The canoeing is from heat or light intensity. I would raise the light to lower the lumens on the plant. Probably only necessary for a week or so. I think you will see it recover pretty fast. Good Luck

Think difrent

New Member
lol dude you're right. I don't know. Only you know.. And only you can figure it out and fix it but since you're on here asking for help i figured i'd put in my two cents.

I'll tell ya what i do know though. Baby plants dont need nor like 400watts in their face at 15cm or whatever. Also you can buy however many dozen products that are out there but they wont make you a better gardener. And your plants dont need them. But keep on living in your fantasy and blaming the humidity. Heh.

And also if you could try and make your posts more coherent, it might encourage more replies.

good luck
man you are so smart plese help me man only you can shit heah the light is 50cm avay from plant try growing some bud not just reading ant than writing shit you dont know ....

Think difrent

New Member
yes i sad a hps or mh is 1000x beter then a clf t5 t8 .... this lights make your stems veak and streachi plants growers use them yust becuz they are cheper but if you want 1 premium quality you need to use hps led or plasma lights


Well-Known Member
You may think that a small plant can take 60,000 lumens or even 35,000 at 3 foot away...

But the truth is that plant is telling you that it is getting to much heat to much light, and to much water.

You can argue against this advice to the detriment of your own grow, it's your dime pal.


Well-Known Member
You may think that a small plant can take 60,000 lumens or even 35,000 at 3 foot away...

But the truth is that plant is telling you that it is getting to much heat to much light, and to much water.

You can argue against this advice to the detriment of your own grow, it's your dime pal.
it's like leaving a new born baby out in the sun all day and expecting it NOT to burn to a crisp...