Somthing Slowly Eating My leaves


Smoky McPot
Ive noticed a few leaves on one of my plants getting tiny yellow spots and over time the spots start to turn light brown and it look like little burn spots but there is no way the lights are burning them. I keep looking for bugs and cant find any but is it possible that i cant see them? Its also weird because this is happening int he middle of the leaves so its not something that is moving from the edge to the middle or anyhting. Its happening very slowly so Im not too worried about it but i just want to be prepared in case its somehting bad. The picture is terrible quality but its all i got.



Well-Known Member
i had a similar prob with my seedlings in soil...
i was neglecting to check the ph of the soil, and it was right on the edge. i heard this causes "nute lock" where the conditions arent right for the plant to take in nutritents.

for soil i flushed the medium with a ph corrrect distilled water and made sure the runoff was ph-ing out ok too. since then things have been ok.

a good ph for soil is about 5.6-6.0

if you have already done this , sorry. i had a similar condition with my seedlings , just offering help!


Active Member
well by the way iv seen with my plants it sounds like fungus nats. the cure catch a spider and put it in there so it will make a web and catch those sob's lol. hope that helped


Sector 5 Moderator
fungus gnats??? I've got gnats in my grow cabinet but I didn't think they would be a problem. Are they? What do they do?


Smoky McPot
Well i just started flowering with my hps so maybe the 12 hrs of darkness or the heat will get them out of there, i dont think its a big problem because its happening very slowly and only to a couple eaves on one of my plants. I guess the other one isnt very tasty


Sector 5 Moderator
Next time I'm in a place that sells the No Pest strips, I'm going to pick some up. I don't want to spray them with anything if I don't have to. I'm adding Sweet Tooth every feeding.


Active Member
it could also be because of under watering. and you dont have to buy anything to catch those gnats just put a spider in there it'll keep all bugs away and do nothing to your plantsbut keep em safe.


Active Member
well by the way iv seen with my plants it sounds like fungus nats. the cure catch a spider and put it in there so it will make a web and catch those sob's lol. hope that helped
I don't know about letting a spider make a web next to my babies....

--If you mist the foliage with the lights on, a droplet of water will act like magnifying glass.

--Fungus gnats will destroy your plant! (not the gnats, but there larvae)
The gnats don't hurt anything. Get some neem oil from a grow shop and ask the guy the best method to use it.


Active Member
I don't know about letting a spider make a web next to my babies....

--If you mist the foliage with the lights on, a droplet of water will act like magnifying glass.

--Fungus gnats will destroy your plant! (not the gnats, but there larvae)
The gnats don't hurt anything. Get some neem oil from a grow shop and ask the guy the best method to use it.

Just to clarify.... The larvae will eat the roots, and kill the shit out of your plant. Neem oil is safe for your plant and will kill the larvae... Let the soil get nice and dry between waterings (you don't want your plant to start dropping) to help kill the larvae.


Well-Known Member
i heard something about putting a little sand over the top of the soil helps stop gnats, is this true?