something wrong in the picture

3 week old plant
been sitting on the window sill for a week and a half first of its life cycle
currently running at x2 23 w, x2 26 w with veg lights
potted in pro-mix all purpose potting soil (mostly peat based so slightly acidic), perlite and mushroom compost
tips on the leaves are turning yellow since the 2nd week from sprouting
been watering from the tap
ph level from tap water is around 6.0-6.5 (surprisingly)
but the 3 gal planter's been fed with 30-15-15 with distilled water, when i tested the ph level pure distilled water the ph ran at around 4.5-5.0. so it's been buffed up with ph-up after adding nutes to 7.0-7.5 because of the acidic base of the peat moss.
i'm running into problem leaves turning yellow eventually to browning.
spotted a little bugger around the planter area, real worried about that too
the plant in dixie cup, i havent transplanted but i have a strong feeling that it could be a male so i havent decided on moving it yet.
any input is appreciated and the lights are running at 16/8.

Picture 033.jpgPicture 021.jpgPicture 016.jpgPicture 025.jpgPicture 020.jpgPicture 030.jpgPicture 034.jpgPicture 028.jpg


looks like u need to throw some bird shit on the ground around it when u water it and put a fan on it. sadly I'm no pro though.
also cover up the stem with dirt where its long would help (not with yellowing of leave just would help)


Active Member
should wait till week 5 for nutes and use a 1/4 of what they say to use. Ph should be 6.0-6.5 but the yellowing most likely from the nutes and maybe over watering. so for now just lower the light 2in from top and don’t water till the soil is dry so stick your finger in the soil and if its dry water alittle. we’ve all done this with our first grows hold off on the nutes let it get alittle bigger and get a small fan to build up the steam. Cheers