• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Something to smoke with


Active Member
shove an object downward into an apple, from the top. than stick straw in from the side, use the top as a bowl and the straw to suck, afterwards you can chuck the apple or cut the burnt part and eat it!


Active Member
I usually use can myself if there's nothing else around and it's real easy to make.

Press in the middle of the can with your thumbs. Now there is a lower spot on the can to where you can make holes with a needle. Now just put weed on the holes and light it and smoke it in from the hole from where you usually drink.

I propably make it sound alot harder than it actually is lol.

Chemistry. I always hated that class in school before I started to smoke weed. After I had met marijuana I saw all these tricky stuff the teacher had as bongs. I never figured out how they worked on experiments but I took some of them home. All different looking. Little imagination and they became very nice bongs. If you want I can make pics of them. Im sure you have stuff like that in your school.


Well-Known Member
Guess it's just me. I always carry spares. Small portable bong, pipe, papers, lighters, roach clips, pipe cleaners, screens, etc.

Guess I am a walking head shop. LOL


Well-Known Member
take a toiletpaper tube (empty) or papertowel roll (also empty), and poke a hole on one end about 5 inches from the end...stick a joint in it, and Voila, instant smokyness. Cover one end with your hand while youre hitting from the other, then move your hand away and inhale the sweet goodness.


Active Member
Reverse gravity bong: RGB
You'll need:
-Gatorade bottle
-Bowl (glass is always better but whatever you can find)

1. Take the bottle and make a pencil sized hole in the side at the very bottom
2. Take the cap and mount the bowl in it, making sure its air tight
3. Pack a bowl for one person, but make it bigger then a snap would be. (double atleast)
4. Plug the hole in the bottle with your finger ( or have a buddy help) and fill completly with water.
5. screw on the top with the bowl on it.
6. Light the bowl while slowly letting water drain out of the hole. As gravity pulls the water out it sucks smoke in! (regulate water flow with finger. The slower the better. The milkier the smoke.)
7. After all the water is drained or the bowl gets cashed unscrew and take the hit.

Usually only takes one load and your fucked up. Enjoy....


Active Member
Yoh man you dont even need to make a bong i own a bong ive owned pipes, lol so u dont need to order off the enternet just go to stores, but yoh the best things for getting u fucked with shit around ur house is like a lung or depth.

#1 a lung

youll need
2 litre bottle
bread bag or subway bags are ideal
duck tape

just cut the bottom off the bottle off flip the bread bag inside out put it around the bottom of the bottle so its on there but u still pull the bag down far. tape around the bag so u tape it to the bottle then suck the bag up threw the mouth piece put a tinfoil bowl on it your done. u just put ur weed on light it pull the bag out slowly watch the smoke fill the bottle and then pull the bowl of take ur hoot repeat last steps lol.

#2 depth charge
a pail
2 litre
tinfoil for a bowl

cut the bottom off the 2 litre stick it in the water, put ur bull on poke a few holes in the bowl, add herb light and pull up slowly at the same time.

Now u high


Here is what we used to make. We called these bad boys ghettos but they sure do work. All you need is a 20oz & a pen that has a metal tip (i steal them from the bank, the ones on the chains).

take everythng off the pen. burn a hole just small enough for the hollow pen.

then go ahead and put the pen right in there.

then take the metal tip of the pen and put in in the reverse direction.

Thats it just add water like a bong, you can really only do snappers with it because the tip is kinda small. I also like to add a clearing hole.... Hope this helps somebody.


Well-Known Member
wow, u guys make it all complicated, all it really takes is some thought process, heres the perfect idea

coke can(aluminum can)
dent a "bowl" into it, so it makes like a crater(make sure the dent is on the same side as the hole you drink the coke out of)
get a knife and poke some holes into it

voila, if you dont like this idea, just do what ^ he did. although i dont agree w/ what he used as a bowl, its too small, u cant get shit out of it. We used a magic marker(hollowed out) and made the bowl out of aluminum and it worked great. We also taped the hole where he stuck that "pipe" in so we dont waste any smoke by breathing in some air

me and friend made a water bong out of a old spice bottle, we washed it out very good and did exactly what he did w/ the sprite bottle. I must say, it smelt good as shit and tasted pretty good, and it wasnt poisonous as far as i know.. because im not dead yet and we have reused it bout 20 times and still smells great and taste like old spice!!!


Active Member
hey all. this is how we make a simple standard bong in australia. ive seen a lot of wierd designs on here that dont seem very practical to me. this is a surefire- awesome bong that ud have to try pretty hard to stuff up.


1 small gatorade, flavoured milk etc.. bottle. clear or opaque plastic is ideal. with wide steady base.

2- cut of peice of garden hose, 6 or 7 inches. with one side cut diagonally so that a sharp wedge is formed.

3- a lighter

4- a cone peice (or a peice of al foil, a rubber band and a pen)

empty the bottle and wash gunk out of it. take the wrapper off it so the plastic is visible. find the spot on the bottom third of the bottle where u want the stem to go. hold the bottle up on its side and hover the lighter under this spot, you will see the plastic weaken, as a hole is punched through and is about the width of a pen, quickly get ur hose peice and stuff the wedge end in there, there will be a bit of resistance but twist the wege around and around until u can get it in.

the bong is now completely watertight.

find a suitable place for a shottie (air clearing whole) and make a small whole with ur lighter, about the width of a pen.

ur done.

if u cant get a brass cone peice, get some aluminum foil, fold it into a square about 2 inches square(bout 3 or 4 layers thick), get the tip of a pen and put it in the center, mould the foil around the pen head and gently poke the tip into the foil so it pokes through. use the pen to guide the foil into the hose stem then fold back, and stretch a rubber band around it.

fill it with water and enjoy. just as smooth as any water pipe you will ever buy. once u get into practice u can make one in literally a minute. theres always a plastic bottle and a hose lying around somewhere.


Active Member
also- if ur looking for something a bit more party oriented- heres my bucket design. bucket bongs give u massive hits and are loads of fun.

2 lt milk or soft drink bottle.

party cone peice



ok- get ur 2 lt bottle and cut the top half off, a good indicator is with coke bottles, around about a third of the way down the sticker. u want it to be solid so when ur pulling it up theres enough suction and it wont buckle, and therfore wasting heaps of smoke.
ok, so once uve done that the next thing to do is work on the cone peice- u need to keep the lid of the bottle- cut a uniformly round whole into the lid, get ur cone peice and apply superglue to the outside of both the whole and your cone- id suggest not smoking from it until very hard and the glue smell is well and truly gone. u want the hard resiny stuff thats not going to melt and do bad shit to ur lungs when heated up.

anyway when thats sorted out ur pretty much done. this is how it works

- fill a big bucket full of water, with a good 6 inches from the top to stop from spillage.
- get ur bottle and push it mostly into the water, screw ur lid/conepeice on, fill it with ganga, hold a light to it, and slowly pull the bottle up, be careful not to pull it too high or youl loose all the smoke.
-take the lid off, hold your mouth over the bottle, breathe in and push it down at same time, taking in a massive hit.

-lie in a catatonic stupor.



Active Member
lmao. im stoned and just found this whole thing quite funny. three years later, the kids 18 now btw, and we're still like: yeah man, just use a fuckin paper towel steamroller. lol im not raggin on anyone, just found it funny!

keep tokin'

Elmer Fudd

Active Member
make a pisser i was too lazy to read everyones post but heres how to get the maximum high out of house supplies
1) water bottel (with lid and empty)
4)bucket that the water bottel fits into
5)a pin

now what you wanna do is take the lid or cap whatever you wanna call it and melt the plastic in the middel. when it warms up take the pin and make a good sized hole through the lid. then when it cooles off take your tinfoil and make a bowl dipping it down into the hole in the lid and wrap the extra tinfoil around the edge. you may have to tape it so it stays in place. then screw the lid back on the bottel and poke tiny holes in the bottem dip of the bowl. then take the lighter and burn 2 or more holes into the bottem of the bottel. now fill the bucket up full of water and put the water bottel in so that it fills with water. once it is full put your sweet mary j in your tinfoil bowl (not too much) then light your erb and slowley bring the bottel out of the water. you will see your water bottel fill up with smoke, once it is full of smoke unscrew the lid off and put your mouth around it dip the bottel about an inch back into the bucket of water take it out of the water and suck.

presto a phatty toke... so bombed
i will make one and post a pic soon if anyone wants
Same creation method, instead of using a second bigger bottle, tape a milk bag, or some kind of sturdy airtight bag to the outside, push it in the 2l bottle, light your bowl at the top slowly pull the bag out unscrew the top and suck it clear, HUGE hits, knock you on your ASS BOY, HITS!


New Member
My bong's name is Jack D. Ripper.... he is made out of a can and a bottle. he is my friend. to make my friend, take a pair of scissors and heat one end up, stick in to bottle where you want a hole. rotate slowly and make perfect circle. cut out middle of can perfectly flat and even, roll up, stick in to bottle as far as it will go, relax and let form to hole, trim to desired length, stick socket. stem, glass piece, crack straight, whatever in to can stem. Viola! you now have a bong. You must keep the cap on the bottle to make a good quality hole.