something strange

hi all

a little help needed again. what you can see on the picture is something that happened to one of my plants. the leaves are just hanging down and seem weak. i have a couple and the rest are fine. they are all on the same feeding schedule and ec levels (1.0).

i'm growing in coco and using Hesi TNT.

what could be the cause for this?

sorry about the shit photo



Active Member
Use moisture probe. Stick it next to side of container so as not damage any roots.... Probe about 3 inches deep.


Active Member
Use moisture probe. Stick it next to side of container so as not damage any roots.... Probe about 3 inches deep.
Where can i get one of these local? hydro shop is a far drive for me so is there anywhere else that you know sells them thanks bro.


Active Member
Most garden centers sell a probe. On side shows PH , but it never works right. Other side moisture probe usually work great and cheep too.


Active Member
Good watering technique bro, don't water your plants every so many days. You want to stick your finger down in the soil, about 3 inches down and feel if still moist. You don't want to water again until the soil feels dry. You can also start to tell just by the weight of your pot...will feel really light when needs a water.

I think you also need to transplant that into a bigger pot, that might be half of the problem.