Something I've never seen before...

So I've been growing a few plants from bagseed indoors, and I have this one plant looks like it's split at the top. This plant just grew up like this naturally. Is this normal? Does it make the plant special?


Well-Known Member
some plants do things like that. its genetic, like a triploid has threes. it doesnt mean theres a problem or the plant wont grow. Many times the opposite will happen and the plant will grow more vigorously. good luck and have fun :D
Thanks for clarifying everything. That plant is actually the runt of my grow but they're only three weeks old so hopefully it'll catch up to the rest of the plants.


Well-Known Member
dont count out a RUNT, i have seen many runts jump up and kick some ass :fire: i had one in my grow op do just that :D


good luck I have a runt right now that has surfasted all the others in growth and I almost tossed her to free up space glad I didn't