Something is wrong *HELP*

something is wrong with the edges of my plant,
they are starting to curl up a bit and turn brown.
i used normal potting soil and there is good drainage.
i have 3 42 watt cfls over it . HELP PLEASE :wall:

here are some pictures :

IMG00371.jpgMedia CardBlackBerrypicturesIMG00372.jpg


Well-Known Member
its quite common for bottom leaves to yellow off on new rooted cuttings , ppl often panic , i usually pull them off as the plant only wastes time trying to repair rather than energy for new growth , also i never usually add any nutes until 3 weeks after the cutting hits its first pot , this may just work for me , hope this helps..
the leaves just keep geting worse and worse, all the edges are turning yellow and brown
and the tips of the leaves are curling up and drying out! i flushed out the pot with like 2 water bottles
of water and it all drained, but it keeps getting worse
here is what it looks like now,


the purple in the last picture is just the strain of kush, all the stems are purple too.
i got the seeds from killer that all the leaves were purple . but the bud wasnt lol
