Something is strange

Maybe the feeling in your stomach is from the burritto you ate earlier and that smell in the air is....well we all know what comes after the buritto
I don't know, ever since this whole Osama Bin Laden murder something has changed, almost like I can feel it in the air. I feel as if something is coming, soon. Not sure what to think but I think it's going to get worse, alot worse, before it gets better. I hope I'm still around to see the better. Weird energy.
First off, it wasn't murder - execution of a mass murderer is more like it. And about damn time too !
As far as pondering "Retaliation" - I'm not sure how we will be able to determine if the next attack is "Retaliation" or just another in a long line of murders of innocent bystanders.
A very dear friend is closely related to the community that cleaned up that mess for good related that a mission of that importance would have in fact been the greatest honor of his life. His sincerity was stone cold. Fukin glad those guys aint pissed at me cause they live on the absolute top rung of the food chain !
Fuck the Terrorist cowards.
I'm still calling bs on him even being killed.
Killed within 24 hours, buried at sea with no pics and that's it?
How convenient.

I call bs.

Our government lies and bullshits us nonstop. What is difference this time?

The same government that tells us that marijuana is a deadly drug.

Who you wanna believe?
First off, it wasn't murder - execution of a mass murderer is more like it. And about damn time too !
As far as pondering "Retaliation" - I'm not sure how we will be able to determine if the next attack is "Retaliation" or just another in a long line of murders of innocent bystanders.
A very dear friend is closely related to the community that cleaned up that mess for good related that a mission of that importance would have in fact been the greatest honor of his life. His sincerity was stone cold. Fukin glad those guys aint pissed at me cause they live on the absolute top rung of the food chain !
Fuck the Terrorist cowards.

It was just a simple shooting in the face of an unarmed person, and looking at the photos that were released it seems that "shoot in the face" seems to have been the order of the day.

Even the worst war criminals deserve their day in court, or is murder/assassination the accepted modus operandi of the US thugs these days.
It was just a simple shooting in the face of an unarmed person, and looking at the photos that were released it seems that "shoot in the face" seems to have been the order of the day.
Even the worst war criminals deserve their day in court, or is murder/assassination the accepted modus operandi of the US thugs these days.

Not here to get into an argument - my position is, he's the admitted conductor of a horrendous mass murder of 3000 innocent souls, he had weapons within his reach & resisted. Lacking conflicting information, this is the best info I have for forming an opinion - and to that end I think I approve of ST-6's response.
But then again, I don't think I'd stop at just two rounds in him, face or not.
24 Years service & I'd give anything to have been there for that 40 minutes.

And shooting an adversary in Charlie Mike and then in the head is proven time and again to gain compliance.