Something Cool That I Saw Today.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
This isn't too rare for me, and I live in the city. Well maybe near the outskirts of a small one. But still, fucking commies and their pussy gun and animal protection laws trying to cut down the hunting season and having populations explode to the point where the entire species is wiped out from starvation and disease because the ecosystem can't handle the excess population. fuckkkk


Well-Known Member
OK someone deleted my post in this thread so I will try again:

Yep, Spring is almost here.....FINALLY!!!!!
Now, let's see how long till this one is deleted....:roll:


Well-Known Member
Berta's a big Bitch. Cows with kids worry me. Me had a dog get in between a cow and her calf the dog barely got away. The cow was doing some ninja kicks/stomps.
Yes she is quite the woman! Haha...

I agree, you must especially be careful when calves are around. I usually try not to get close to them, but when they are 10ft from your porch it's hard to do, I had one notice me sitting on the steps and it was walking towards me... the adrenaline started going and I was thinking to either head back into the house or stay put.

I stayed put because I figured standing up would be taken as making myself look bigger to the calf as an defensive act... so I simply stretched out my arm, it sniffed my hand and then turned and ran off. Quite the experience, but momma was there watching the whole time. I guess as long as her calf was making the advances instead of me, she felt it safe.


Well-Known Member
yesterday (friday) out back i had 2 red headed crane walking around. went to grab my cam, got out side, and the dumbass dog of the neighbors had tried to chased them, and got them air borne. pissed me off. they we re two very cool birds 30 yrds away at best.


Well-Known Member
Nice pics, I saw a black bear yesterday from probably 20 feet away, I was hiking a mountain and spooked it. He ran as soon as he saw me but still too close haha. They are just starting to wake up in my area.