Someone take and hide my scissors!!


Well-Known Member
I agree with Fdd you are close to the half way mark.
Mine will be 6 weeks this coming Monday.
The little white hairs the pistils they are starting to turn red.
I would say maybe 6-10% red on each plant.

I was going to go at leat 9 weeks and hoping to go even longer.

You need something to take your mind off of them.

I like to get up and put on my sunglasses and smoke a bong hit or two with my plants when my lights come on in the am.

I then spend time checking moisture and checking leaves and buds.

I get away from them and try not to look at them but only 3-4 more times a day.
It is really hard to do when you are not working.
Especially when you have a boring life that requires weed for perpetuation.

Either way if I can hold out so can you.

Get rid of all scissors, knifes, and blades.
Put up a sticky note on the plant or something.

Just think if you take anything from it it will have to heal from that before it can finish what it was up to before you wounded it.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
you cut them now and they will dry and be loose and fluffy. i clip a little 1/8 ounce nuggy off a 1 lb plant and i end up regretting it. it is not worth going this far only to end up with fluffy buds. your friends will laugh at you.

11 weeks.............



Elite Rolling Society
I felt your pain, but I waited. in your pics, you are a few days to a week away at least. The stamens aren't even turning reddish brown yet. BE patient and you will be rewarded.
Are you going to Flush them and stop nutes before you harvest?
Are you going to put them in total darkness for 48 hrs b4 you harvest?
you might consider adding 30 minutes to an hour of darkeness to your 12/12 schedule and that will speed them up a VERY slight amount. And chill the room too, make them think October is coming soon.
Above all, wait, be patient, harvest when you see more trichs the color of Miller Light Beer (amber, dark piss color) and some the color of semen (cum, sperm, ejaculate) and AFTER those hairs are not as white.
That and proper curing will be rewarded.
I had a lamp fall on a plant 5 weeks ago and a branch broke off. I smoked some after air drying the bud for 5 days and it was fairly good. 5 weeks later, AFTER proper curing the same bud was GREAT ! Much more potent.
Good Luck Bro, there is no feeling to compare to getting a great buzz off smoking your own grow.


Elite Rolling Society
good bro, you are always there to catch me in my errors. I can't make a goof and get away with it. If it isn't you, it's my good buddy Al B.Fuct !! You both are EVERYWHERE !
I wish you lived near by, and I could be smokin some of your hash, while you enjoy my recent harvest of a cross of Northern Lights and White Widow. I do have about 5 grams left of some early buds i took 5-1-07. I took all my hanging buds out of the drying boxes today from 5-26-07 harvest and stored them in 8 jars. Man, I wish I could smoke my fingers .....they are SO Sticky! covered in Hash !
It is Miller Lite Time here where I live, and I started happy hour early since it is Saturday. I went back and corrected that last post, see if that makes sense now?


Elite Rolling Society
what color are the stamens? (the hairs)
and on wht date of the month did you start 12/12?


Well-Known Member
yeah be patient I too harvested one that I thought was ready,............I got high but it was definitely premature. Just get some weed elsewhere and be kind to your babies and let them grow. To get my mind off it I started my next gro. This is helping to keep me occupied.

good luck buddy~