Someone stole my weed

Last sunday I lost about 3 and a half zips of chocolate thai and mauwie wowie, some really good shit.
I was basially set up by someone I didnt know to well, just dealt with him on occassions with mariijuana, also my own stupidity that I have learned from. Im ony 18.

Got set up for a deal for 3 and halfs zips for what its worth ( not going to post prices on the net). As soon as I got out the vehicle and turned the corner I had two tall men and two guns pointed in my face. I tried to fight my way out of the situation but I was outnumberd about 4:1 considering the person that was with me did nothing at all exept at like a pussy.

I ended up losing everything, and going unonscious. I kept fighting back and they kept hitting me with whatever guns they had threatening to kill me if I didnt stop.

This is just something im thinking bout as im smoking listenin to music.

shits crazy


That happened to me once, but it was a little less dramatic. Its rough, people do some pretty unbelievable things.
fdd2blk, I atually didnt get the glass pendant for weeks, for some reason the rental office was holding the package? lol

I dunno ifi m going to try and get it back, I live in newport news and it was on a very bad side of downtown. If i see them anywhere else besides theres im probably going to attack them lol

I havent made a police report yet, ( the hospital suggested that i did), simply because I do have a small grow , and the thought of any law enforcement coming to my place freaks me out pretty bad.

I get my stiches out soon tho!, my nose is broken tho, going be crooked til I get i surgically fixed, which sucks because im in college right now.


Damn man, tough shit.

At least you fought back though and didn't bend over and allow them to buttfuck you. lol
newport news, virginia. dont ever go down 76th or anywhere downtown for that matter without a loaded gun.

I kepp thiking bout what if i had done this or bla or if i had a gun that night, if I would have gotten out of there with my shit. But i know with guns comes alot of bad thingsm plus im only 18, I can get a handgun right? I would have to get a rifle, something like a AR-15?


New Member
Newport News is Virginia I believe.

Sucks to hear man. If you have any way to find out who they are, use any dirty trick you can to get even.


Well-Known Member
since it didnt happen at your house i dont really see why the cops would come over and check the place out, just go to the station if you do file a report.


Active Member
put a load of dirty E in there cars, houses, gym shoes and narc that shit fuck assholes with guns. let em rot if they stay strapped so-much the better whats the bid for slanging E and having a loaded unregisterd handgun in your state?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Dude that most definitely sucks, and I am sorry to hear it...

but I am surprised that NO ONE in here has thrown out the reminder that if you weren't dealing, it would not have happened. Why put yourself in a situation where you may have to defend yourself or put your life at risk, or to condescend to some scumbag's level and "pay them back" when you could simply just not deal and never get in that situation? You're lucky you didn't get killed... maybe you'll take this as a sign to stop dealing.

put a load of dirty E in there cars, houses, gym shoes and narc that shit fuck assholes with guns.
You would set someone up then narc on them? That says a whole hell of a lot about you.


Well-Known Member
Dude that most definitely sucks, and I am sorry to hear it...

but I am surprised that NO ONE in here has thrown out the reminder that if you weren't dealing, it would not have happened. Why put yourself in a situation where you may have to defend yourself or put your life at risk, or to condescend to some scumbag's level and "pay them back" when you could simply just not deal and never get in that situation? You're lucky you didn't get killed... maybe you'll take this as a sign to stop dealing.

You would set someone up then narc on them? That says a whole hell of a lot about you.
so how do people who don't grow get their weed? :-(


Oracle of Hallucinogens
so how do people who don't grow get their weed? :-(
Obviously they buy it. I'm just saying (especially if you're in a nasty area), there is not need to pay people back if there was never a situation that put you in danger.

And personally.. I am an advocate for medical marijuana, if decrim or legalization happens that's fine by me, but my focus is marijuana to people who need it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your lose. You shoulda put the pedal to the metal and ran them over. Split second decisions in that kind of situation decide the out come. But then you could of been shot.....


Well-Known Member
also....u say your in college? so quit hustlin downtown wit ppl always on a come up and start associating wit your peers who prob have their parents money to toy wit (if your @ a university)...seems a lot less hassle and more they prolly dont have guns always on their side.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
also....u say your in college? so quit hustlin downtown wit ppl always on a come up and start associating wit your peers who prob have their parents money to toy wit (if your @ a university)...seems a lot less hassle and more they prolly dont have guns always on their side.
Good point.