• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

do what ur doin now, narrow it down, find the culprit, put hands on em (if necessary), cut him off n warn him next time he sets foot on the property...he wont b leaving...the property lol..good luch bro...n move ur op indoors if possible, outdoor is too risky if u dnt live in the country side or a 10 ft privacy fence...jus my opinion


New Member
Anyways you never answered the ? whether your a legal grower that makes a hella difference in your approach to handling this pos.
At the same time it doesnt really matter, cause if its and illegal grow then your dealing with street law.
And the streets say if they steal from you chop of a hand!
If they snitch kill em and stick his thumb up his ass and leave em laying there.


Active Member
we BOTH have our lic's and are under the limit of plants so not really worried too much as far as him snitching us out.
umm why dont you go to the police then???? if your legal, they wont mess with you, they will treat it as a normal robbery as if they stole your tv or something lol. ive heard several stories of ppl getting robbed and the police helped them out.
If your legal, i dont understand why your worried about the police.


Active Member
DUDE if you want to get that bitch back just call the cops and make an anomous tip that someone is dealing drugs from his house. Make sure you do it on a friday or saturday night and hopefully they will be smoking some of your bud when they get there.

BOOM POW!, best fucking plan ever
your stupid as fuck dude if the cops knoked on my door and said they were thear to search my house because they got an ananomous tip id tell him to get the fuck off my property and to go get a warrent if they want to search through my shit just go to his front door and act like you want to chill once he lets you in and the front doors shut break his fucking jaw then leave the county for a couple hours idk how it is thear but hear if u whoop someones ass and then leave the cops dont look for you but then again i lve in a really lazy county


Well-Known Member
what the fuck, you guys are all wack. first of all all the dank will be gone by the time anyone SNITCHED.and second of all, if he snitched, then that gives you grounds to get his ass. MAC DRE--------
"Man... I'm through fuckin' around
You niggaz keep on ya gon' be duckin' some rounds
I'm rushin' the mound, bitch done hit me with a pitch
He a snitch and he walk with a switch
He in a band that sing for the cops
Him and his mans, they cleanin' up shop
Undercover concert promotor
Ricky Schroder tryin' to turn somebody over
Put that E.T. finger up, you stooley
Don't tattletale, the number one ruley
You the jumpest, the boys, them people
Slipped in the game, sellin' toys to people
I avoid them people, don't ask me shit
The only law I break is in public, grip
My mouth zipped, I plead the 5th
And niggaz like you get pushed off a cliff

[Chorus] - X 2
(Don't ask me shit)
I don't tell mayne
(I don't tell)
You can send me to jail mayne
(Don't ask me shit)
I won't tell mayne
(I won't tell)
Send me to jail mayne

[Mac Dre]
You can line 'em up and put twelve in a box
and find out your boy is workin' with the cops
Doin' flip-flops, the Rover rollin' over
The Tootsie Roller, scared to do a quarter
It's October and he can't be gone 'til November
So he's givin' up the gang, every damn member
Everything he remember - he's tellin'
He get out of jail free, ain't no bailin'
He's no felon, he's no misdemeanor
He got a target melon and a E.T. finger
Nigga you the cleaners tryin' to wash me
Quit peepin' at my Beamer, tryin' to watch me"
MAC DRE_Dont Snitch
The world doesnt work like a rap song home slice.

Sounds cool in a song but preach it from a jail cell. I dont care what state your in your in the united states and its still illegal by federal law so when the DEA kicks in your door ask about that state law and see if they give two shits.

Your breaking federal law I dont care how legal you think you are I wouldnt be calling the police unless you want problems. Cops have fed friends all it takes is a phone call or complaint and the DEA will raid you in california or not.

You will serve federal prison time for growing wether its legal in your state or not you still broke federal law and thats whos gonna charge you.

I dought any of you have the money to fight the federal goverment in court so best bet is to stay low key and NOT do what they SAY we do. They say we are gangsters and thugs selling and growing poison its hard to say we are not that when people come on here saying to kick his ass or fuck up his property or start spouting rap songs like your sombody or gonna do somthing?

Dont be a satistic its retarded and you will be in a PRISON cell for it not your county jail with people not paying parking tickets. Pick your moves wisely once you give them the right to choose your moves you allready played your cards wrong and acting tough might help you get brownies in prison, good luck.


Well-Known Member
This same thing happend to me and my friend last year.....my fucking next door neighbor, followed me and my friend into the woods and to our spot, and then we told him not to tell anybody and we'd give him some bud off of the plant...and then the next day they were gone...but we ended up getting our plants back...which is another crazy story haha
Your on my property and there is an altercation you wont be able to tell the cops your side of the story. END of discussion.

Thats why you dont fuck with some peoples shit. And just so anyone knows you do go to prison for fucking up someones car you dont just get charged for fucking up the car. They will charge you with several charges and a few felonys its the person charging you not the police. If they got a decent lawyer you will see prison time just like if you where to break into someones home and fuck shit up for no reason you can explain to the court.

You will look like a nut that needs to be locked up and trust me they will lock you up.
I dont know how to tell you any easier without insulting you.

You are not going to any prsion for messing with someones car. END OF DISCUSSION.

You dont always go to jail for committing a felony. Much less prison.

And exactly how will I NOT be able to tell "my side of the story", in the event of an altercation?

Dont talk about things you know nothing of. Just like your make believe "charge you with other charges and a few felonies" BS.
your stupid as fuck dude if the cops knoked on my door and said they were thear to search my house because they got an ananomous tip id tell him to get the fuck off my property and to go get a warrent if they want to search through my shit just go to his front door and act like you want to chill once he lets you in and the front doors shut break his fucking jaw then leave the county for a couple hours idk how it is thear but hear if u whoop someones ass and then leave the cops dont look for you but then again i lve in a really lazy county
Jesus christ this hurt to read...and to think it started off "your stupid as fuck dude"....................


Well-Known Member
I dont know how to tell you any easier without insulting you.

You are not going to any prsion for messing with someones car. END OF DISCUSSION.

You dont always go to jail for committing a felony. Much less prison.

And exactly how will I NOT be able to tell "my side of the story", in the event of an altercation?

Dont talk about things you know nothing of. Just like your make believe "charge you with other charges and a few felonies" BS.

He was insinuating that you would be dead. zip, zero nadda~ I don't think you can talk when your heart isn't pounding and your not breathing.

Immortal is right you do not go to PRISON for fuckin up somebodies car (Vandlism=Misdemeanor) Unless youve already got strikes against you, time on the shelf, probation violation etc. I just got out and nobody is in for vanlism! Also growing weed is not a damn fed case unless your runnin 20,000 watts and a few hundred plants! Most states small cultivation is a misdemeanor 1 or 2 maybe or a felony 4 or 5 which will usually get dropped to a misdemeanor 1 if you plea out and youll get probation! Now maybe in some states or counties you might get a month or 2 in jail for a couple plants but its defintitely not a fed case unless your runnin some serious shit! PERIOD!
Oh yea and those motion sensor lights work wonders at scarin people off, especially little weasels that lurk in the shadows stealin other peoples hard work! Nobody wants ta steal somethin with a bright ass halogen light shinin on em!
And if your legal definitely call the cops if you know who did it but if you dont then dont bother cuz they wont do an investigation on em. And dont worry about the cops tellin their "fed buddies" about 6 plants, if they did the feds would laugh at em! The only time the feds bust medical ops in legal states is when theres big money or big weed involved. The feds are nothin but professional jack boys and WILL NOT go after anyone that isnt big time unles your directly speaking out against them. And in that case if anybodies listenin your probably bigtime anyways!
Come on yall this is illeagal shit we deal with here! We gotta do our research and know the laws if wanna have a chance at gettin by without endin up in a cage. Im not sayin go get your law degree but the more you know the safer youll be.

Im done PEACE


Well-Known Member
Immortal is right you do not go to PRISON for fuckin up somebodies car (Vandlism=Misdemeanor) Unless youve already got strikes against you, time on the shelf, probation violation etc. I just got out and nobody is in for vanlism! Also growing weed is not a damn fed case unless your runnin 20,000 watts and a few hundred plants! Most states small cultivation is a misdemeanor 1 or 2 maybe or a felony 4 or 5 which will usually get dropped to a misdemeanor 1 if you plea out and youll get probation! Now maybe in some states or counties you might get a month or 2 in jail for a couple plants but its defintitely not a fed case unless your runnin some serious shit! PERIOD!
Nobody is gonna sit there and let you fuck up their shit you will end up dead in this world thinking you run shit sorry but its the truth.

You dont "just fuck up his car" more follows trust me. Go ask ex gang members how many friends they watched get killed over the same shit you guys are taling about.

I wasnt insaulting anyone I was telling you in the real world shit happends and if you put yourself in shit its BOUND to happen. Scrape the shit off your boots and stop being a pussy acting tough will only get you brownies in prison or killed sence most dudes that do alot of talking usually end up dead before 35.


This is the dumbest fuckin thread that I have EVER read...and I've read a lot of stupid threads.
No wonder people hate cannabis users if you twits are a sampling of the users.
Cut your losses friend, move on, and quit listening to these asswipes. You broke rule #1 - what was rule #1 again....???
If you wanna let people steal from you thats fine, if you wanna take your grow inside and hide because you think everybody is a gang member thats gonna shoot you thats fine too but some people stand up for themselves. I personally love growin outside and so do a lot of people and if I got a license ta do it in my back yard and some pussy thats obviously not a gang banger wants steal my shit Im gonna put an end to it, not hide! For some reason now days people think that if you stand up for yourself and protect whats yours your "tryin ta be hard" and thats a crock of shit! I know for a fact that there are some real ass growers on this site and others out there that are the coolest nicest folks around but they will seriously hurt you if you fuck with there crop. Thats not "tryin ta be hard" theft is just part of growin herb that everyone is gonna have ta deal with sooner or later. Dont anybody ever forget that this is gangster ass shit we do! no matter how harmless and laid back we know it is, it's still illegal, its still "wrong in the eyes of society" and whether you like it or not when you got a problem in this game nobody is gonna help you, you gotta handle it yourself! Some people get scared and move away or take their grow inside and other people protect whats there's. Thats not "tryin ta be hard" or "thinkin that you run shit" thats called dealin with your problems. Runnin around lookin for fights and STEALIN PEOPLES PLANTS is "actin like you run shit". Puttin that pussy in his place and makin sure it doesnt happen again is just common sense. Its really sad ta think that some peole get their things stolen and then somehow think that it would be wrong ta go get it back or get even with the thieves. If you wanna be like that cool but dont put somebody else down for encouragin someone ta stand up for themselves and take back whats theres.
What is this world comin to anyway man, all our problems dont get solved with hugs and peace treaties and if you run all your life somebody is eventually gonna catch you. PERIOD


Well-Known Member
LOL Even if you find out who did it all they have to do is snitch! Do NOT threaten who ever took them or do anything because what you are doing is illegal under federal law. I swear some of you guys just dont think clearly them stealing somthing illegal isnt what the cops are worried about they want the source and your it. Take this for what it is cut them down and charge it to the game NEXT year have cameras and some sort of little shock fence for animals ran about ankle high because you cant see those at night and for what its worth you will hear who ever screams or neighbors will.
I'm just curious as to why you recommend cameras but not doing anything to the person who you catch, sounds like a wasted investment to me, and why would you want the neighbors to be hearing that kind of activity going on near your grow(assuming thats where your ankle-level shock fence would be)? I think thats the last thing I would want, but then again I'm sort of a sketchball. Anyways, I agree with your idea of a dog though, their great if trained properly they can be great in family but also to defend property and person, to the death. Very loyal companions but the breeds I feel are especially good at this should not be owned by just anyone as they can be a handful if your not use to a dominant mentality in a big dog.


Well-Known Member
I havent seen anyone suggest to just go fucking ask the asshole if he stole your shit and kick his ass. Is he some giant monster you cant overcome? if so get a couple of friends to assist and let them know this asshole is going around stealing plants from people. I would simply knock on his door and confront him, it shouldnt take violence when you know it was him, if he lies right to your face apologize for having to punch him in the face or guy is even better. YOu may have to pay his medical bills if you bust a lip or something. Man up and stop complaining by talking to a internet forum. I could see if you had no clue but this is silly. IF some asshole stole by bike he certainly isnt going to be riding around on it and he dam sure wouldnt be smoking weed that I took the time to grow and harvest. You claim your under the limits so go talk to the asshole and feel him out to see if you can just take your shit back while he is looking at you not like a bitch sneaking around in the dark. I agree with previous post and think that if you let this guy get away with this and also he knows that you think it was him and you havnt done shit he will come back more bold possibly next time. The reason he didnt take it all is because he knows it wasnt ready yet.


Well-Known Member
I havent seen anyone suggest to just go fucking ask the asshole if he stole your shit and kick his ass. Is he some giant monster you cant overcome? if so get a couple of friends to assist and let them know this asshole is going around stealing plants from people. I would simply knock on his door and confront him, it shouldnt take violence when you know it was him, if he lies right to your face apologize for having to punch him in the face or guy is even better. YOu may have to pay his medical bills if you bust a lip or something. Man up and stop complaining by talking to a internet forum. I could see if you had no clue but this is silly. IF some asshole stole by bike he certainly isnt going to be riding around on it and he dam sure wouldnt be smoking weed that I took the time to grow and harvest. You claim your under the limits so go talk to the asshole and feel him out to see if you can just take your shit back while he is looking at you not like a bitch sneaking around in the dark. I agree with previous post and think that if you let this guy get away with this and also he knows that you think it was him and you havnt done shit he will come back more bold possibly next time. The reason he didnt take it all is because he knows it wasnt ready yet.

This is like teaching a child not to play with lighters, I do not believe in just hiding the lighter but rather tell them not to touch and leave it out and instruct them not to touch it or they get spanked. In other words fuck this guy if I was legal I would put a sign on the plant stating that I dare some fuckhead to come in my yard and take it. I will kick your fucking ass


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious as to why you recommend cameras but not doing anything to the person who you catch, sounds like a wasted investment to me, and why would you want the neighbors to be hearing that kind of activity going on near your grow(assuming thats where your ankle-level shock fence would be)? I think thats the last thing I would want, but then again I'm sort of a sketchball. Anyways, I agree with your idea of a dog though, their great if trained properly they can be great in family but also to defend property and person, to the death. Very loyal companions but the breeds I feel are especially good at this should not be owned by just anyone as they can be a handful if your not use to a dominant mentality in a big dog.
I know my neighbors so unless your just some quite keep to your self type of person I would agree with you. But he/she wouldnt be in the situation if this is the case.

Other wise I agree. If he has proof of the guy breaking and entering and not stealing "pot plants" he would have a case. He is the only one looking at charges right now if he goes to the police or retaliates with zero proof.

People do what they want but I think its funny he just lost a few grand in pot and other then grow more people tell people to go commit violent acts on sombody that may or may not have ripped his shit.

He has no proof no video of who did it just some shoe prints. And thats ground to retaliate or call police?

You break the rules shit like this happends only person to blaim is your self and learn from it. If you cant watch your plants get SOMTHING that can I dont care if its a tiger or if its good around children. Children prolly stole his weed so a dog that hates them would prolly be a plus.


Well-Known Member
This is like teaching a child not to play with lighters, I do not believe in just hiding the lighter but rather tell them not to touch and leave it out and instruct them not to touch it or they get spanked. In other words fuck this guy if I was legal I would put a sign on the plant stating that I dare some fuckhead to come in my yard and take it. I will kick your fucking ass
I dont think anyone could explain this to you any more clearly that if you live in the united states and are growing cannabis you are breaking the law. Period no exception dont care what state your in local police hardly waist recources on raiding grow houses when they know thats all DEA does.

So once agian even in a legal state the same agency thats raids people in illegal states can raid you because of the way its classified by the federal goverment.

Its not legal I dont care where you live until federal law changes. Thats why I laugh at people in california when they act so fool of themselves because its "legal" when its not. Its tolerated and if you put yourself out there I dont care how legal you think you are you will go to prison or be siting in your home with ankle braclet for a few years.